How to write the C919: Facilitation of Context-Based Student-Centered Learning (Solved)

How to write the C919: Facilitation of Context-Based Student-Centered Learning (Solved)

A.Course Overview The Community Health Nursing course provides a platform for students to study and understand the health of populations by utilizing nursing theory and the science of public health. The course provides students with an opportunity to develop community health nursing knowledge and skills. The key areas of focus will include fundamentals of community health, family dynamics, culture, epidemiology, health education, health promotion, healthcare policy, interprofessional collaboration, and disaster management. The course is built on the essentials of baccalaureate nursing and emphasizes the concepts of patient safety, quality, informatics, cultural competence, and interprofessional collaboration in today’s complex healthcare system (AACN, 2008).


B: Title of module Fundamentals of Community Health Nursing
C.Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Describe the history of community and public health nursing.

2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of community health nurses.

3. Describe the nursing process and its application in community health nursing.

D.Student learning outcomes Upon successful completion of the module, the student should be able to:

1.  Describe two similarities and differences between community health and public health.

2.  Identify four role of community health nurses.

E.Content overview Topic one. The community influences the health status of the people and nurses must understand its structure to effectively achieve positive outcomes. This topic deals with the introduction to Community Health Nursing. The students will learn about the history and development of community health nursing in the US. Common figures of nursing like Florence Nightingale will be explored and their role in the development of community health. A discussion about the key differences between public and community health will be made at this point to allow students to know where they will work upon completion of their bachelor’s degree. Topic one aligns with student outcome 1 which involves understanding key differences and similarities between community and public health. Upon completion of the topic, the student will demonstrate an understanding of where they will work and the role of community health in promoting the health of the public.

Topic two. The second topic will discuss Primary Health Care (PHC) and the role of community health nurses. The students will learn about basic components of PHC like community participation, equity, self-reliance, and intersectoral collaboration. To better understand PHC, the topic will discuss the millennial development goals (MDGs) and how they have been met. The last part will focus on the role of community health nurses in PHC. The student will be required to meet student learning outcome 2 which deals with identifying the role of community health nurses. Emphasis will be on points like health education, disease prevention, immunization, providing essential drugs, and treatment of minor illnesses. The student should identify four key roles of community health nurses including the facilitative role, development role, supportive role, and clinical role.

F. Learning resources Galan, N. (2021). Community health nurse career overview. Nurse Journal.
G.Scenario based learning activity  Overview: The field of nursing is incredibly dynamic and implementing system change or building stronger communities require the knowledge of community health nursing. Communities have relied on nurses for several years in areas of illness prevention, treatment, labor and delivery, and home care services. At a very minimum, aspiring community health nurses must earn an associate degree in nursing and many employers prefer candidates with bachelor’s degrees. However, there exists a debate concerning the role of such educated healthcare workers in rural communities.

Scenario. During the community health rotations, the nursing students were asked to provide feedback about their experience and what can be changed. According to the majority of the students, they did not agree with the issue of sending bachelor’s students to rural communities claiming that the type of work available could easily be done by diploma nurses. These findings align with a debate that has been going on in the institution for years regarding moving the community health nursing course to diploma level only. This issue has affected how students perceive their rural rotations and the newly joined first years are confused about what to expect upon completion of the nursing course. Because of the mixed reactions from students and faculty, you have been asked to explain why community health nursing should be taught at the degree level and reasons why one might consider pursuing a master’s degree later. Make sure to address the following areas:

1. What is the importance of teaching community health nursing?

2. What is the scope of practice of community health nurses at bachelor’s level and how does it compare to diploma programs?

3. What are the essential skills required for community health nurses?

4. Where do community health nurses work?

5. What is the position of  the American Public Health Association (APHA) on this motion.


Your response should be posted in the online discussion board by day 6 of week two. Respond two at least one post from your peers commenting on the key points of the assignment.



B: Title of module Epidemiology
C. Course objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the nursing roles within epidemiology.

2. Describe the the evidence-based practices aimed at reducing infectious diseases.

3. Analyze the epidemiology and investigation of common disease outbreaks in the country.

D. Student



Upon successful completion of the module, the student should be able to:

1.   Identify four roles of epidemiology in promoting health outcomes of communities.

2.   Explain the three levels of disease prevention and the role of the community health nurses in each level.

E. Content overview Topic one. This topic will focus on the introduction to epidemiology including definition, key terms, and its uses. The students will learn about what epidemiology entails and key terms like an epidemic, endemic, and pandemic. As community health nurses, the students will further learn about the uses of epidemiology and how community health nurses search for causes of diseases upon outbreaks. This topic aligns with student outcome 1 which requires the learner to identify the uses of epidemiology in community health nursing.

Topic two. The second topic will focus on epidemiological approaches and tools of measurement. For instance, the topic will explore aspects of asking questions, making comparisons, and drawing conclusions. The topic will also elaborate on the use of common tools of measurement like rates, ratios, and proportions to define the occurrence of events. Specific emphasis will be made on mortality and morbidity rates and further discussions on prevalence and incidence rates. Upon discussion of these areas, the last part will emphasize the three levels of disease prevention including primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. The student will learn about specific actions of community health nurses at each level and how these actions promote the health of populations. This topic aligns with student outcome 2 which deals with the levels of disease prevention. The learner will demonstrate knowledge of health promotion, early diagnosis and treatment, and disability limitation.

F. Learning


Allender, J., Rector, C., Rector, C., & Warner, K. (2013). Community & public health nursing: Promoting the public’s health. lippincott williams & wilkins.
G. Scenario

based learning activity

 Overview: An outbreak represents a sudden rise in the number of cases of a disease and it may affect a community, geographic area, or country. The knowledge about disease outbreaks and investigation is crucial for community health nurses to effectively prevent illness. Adequate preparation for common outbreaks like influenza is required to minimize its spread and health consequences.

Scenario: You are the lead investigator in a community hospital following the sudden death of people from a mysterious disease. The hospital administrator informs you that a severe respiratory disease has emerged but the suspicions have not been confirmed because of the lack of essential tools. To begin the investigation, the list of the patients who died is reviewed and it shows 15 were 60 years and older, 3 were young adults, and 1 was a child aged 2 years. During the review, it is noticed that all the patients come from the same region and live in a congested neighborhood. During the visit to the neighborhood, it is observed that most people have flu-like symptoms, are panicking, and many have hardly left their buildings following the news of the mysterious disease. During history taking, it is noticed that 30 more people are admitted at a nearby facility. Reports from the facility indicate that the first patient with similar symptoms died seven days ago and the three healthcare providers that came into contact with patient zero got sick a week later. The history of patient zero indicates that he attended a small party with about 100 people from the neighborhood. Based on the case scenario, answer the following questions accurately in a 2 pg paper.

1. Define the following terms




2. How can you classify the disease disease?

  3. Outline the six steps of outbreak investigation and how they may be applied in the above case scenario.

4. What type of surveillance was used by the investigator? Justify your answer.

5. Identify the most probable mode of transmission of the disease. Give tow reasons for your answer.

6. Based on the affected population and the disease pattern, what is the likely diagnosis? Support with evidence from at least one peer-reviewed journal article.


B: Title of module Vulnerable Populations
C. Course objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the types of vulnerable groups in the community.

2. Analyze the various needs of special populations in the community.

3. Explain how interprofessional collaboration can help address issues affecting vulnerable groups.

D. Student



Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1.  Identify three vulnerable groups in the community and the reasons for their vulnerabilities.

2.  Identify three resources available in the community to promote the health of vulnerable populations.

E. Content overview  Topic one. Within a community setting, some groups run a greater risk of poor health outcomes than others. The first topic of discussion will focus on the terms and concepts and identification of vulnerable populations. Students will learn about special groups in the community like children, pregnant mothers, the elderly, and immigrants. Emphasis will be on self-awareness, literacy, and other factors that cause vulnerability among these groups. This topic aligns with student learning outcome 1 which requires students to identify three vulnerable groups and the reasons for their vulnerabilities.

Topic two. The second part will focus on health determinants, health disparities, and strategies to close the gap of vulnerability. This section will ensure students acquire knowledge on key determinants of health like education, neighborhood and built environment, health and healthcare, and social and community context. Another key area of this topic will be health disparities and barriers to effective care. The learner will be introduced to issues like health insurance coverage and how it hinders access to healthcare for vulnerable populations. Lastly, this topic will emphasize the social, economic, medical, and public health strategies for closing the gap of vulnerability. Topic two aligns with student learning outcome 2 which deals with resources to address vulnerable populations’ issues. The student will identify three public health, medical, or economic resources that can be leveraged to address issues affecting vulnerable groups.

F. Learning


Tangcharoensathien, V., Mills, A., Das, M. B., Patcharanarumol, W., Buntan, M., & Johns, J. (2018). Addressing the health of vulnerable populations: Social inclusion and universal health coverage. Journal of Global Health8(2), 020304.
G. Scenario

based learning activity

 America’s worry about the availability of affordable housing surpasses worries about other local issues. In the urban areas, affordable housing is a challenge leading to many people being homeless or moving to rural communities. The homeless have vulnerabilities like security issues, food, water, and violence that further affects their lives. In this task, the student will conduct a windshield survey of their neighborhood with specific emphasis on observing the homeless. Identify areas with many homeless individuals, observe their living, barriers to effective health promotion, and community resources available to address their challenges. Use the windshield survey template available in the course outline to document important data about the community.

Upon completion of the tool, write a two-page paper addressing the following:

1. Explain the general characteristics of the neighborhood observed. Include aspects of housing and zoning, signs of decay, human services, and health status.

2. Describe two strengths and two weaknesses of the neighborhood.

3. Explain three social determinants of health affecting the homeless population observed.

4. Analyze two community resources available and how they can be used to address homelessness in the neighborhood.


This assignment is due at the end of week 8.


Course-Related Information

Learning Environment

The identification of the required knowledge, skills, and competencies is a vital contribution to the development of a strong community health nursing workforce. Module 1 of this course will introduce students to the fundamentals of community health nursing where students will learn about the history and other important aspects like primary health care. The students will gain knowledge on the role of community health nurses and how PHC can be utilized to improve the health of populations. The students will learn about the need for community health nursing and why the course is important in today’s increasingly complex healthcare system. The scenario-based activity will ensure that students acquire skills in identifying problems and using evidence to support arguments. The learning resource provided will improve the student’s understanding of career traits like critical thinking, clinical skills, and communication that are essential for community health nurses. Students will gain competencies in the areas of assessment and analysis through the identification of appropriate sources of information.

The knowledge of epidemiology is important for community health nurses to effectively identify and manage emerging diseases. For instance, these nurses must understand disease outbreaks like COVID-19 and measures to minimize its spread. Module 2 of the course focuses on the topic of epidemiology and introduces students to principles of infectious disease control. The module resource utilized contains information that will ensure students gain knowledge about conducting a community assessment, collecting epidemiological data, and relevant sources of information in the community. The students will also learn about communicable diseases and the process of a disease investigation. During the learning process, the course will ensure students gain skills in time management, good communication, and patient assessment. The core competencies emphasized in this module include population health assessment, the utilization of evidence-based practice, and prioritizing care of populations. Additionally, the students will utilize informatics to analyze data and formulate diagnoses which will ensure competency in informatics and healthcare technologies.

Module 3 of the course focuses on vulnerable populations and how community health nurses can help improve their health. The students will gain knowledge about vulnerable populations, reasons for vulnerability, and important factors like health insurance that affect access to essential services. The learner will gain knowledge about population health, quality and safety, and interprofessional partnership to address key challenges affecting local people. The article utilized in this module highlights vulnerable attributes like disability, gender, ethnicity, employment status, and location that affect most people. The students will acquire skills in assessment, data collection, and decision-making during the windshield survey. Upon completion of the course, the student will gain competencies in public health, person-centered care, and interprofessional partnership.

Learning Theory

In Module 2, one of the student learning outcomes requires students to identify four roles of epidemiology in promoting health outcomes in communities. The constructivist learning theory can best explain how this student learning outcome promotes knowledge acquisition. This theory holds that students actively make their own knowledge and that reality is determined by the experience of the learner (Epp et al., 2021). The main idea behind the constructivist theory is that learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous learning. The foundation ensures that learners can understand new learning experiences and can easily apply what is learned in real-life situations. According to this theory, learners construct new knowledge or meaning only through active engagement through experiments or real-world problem-solving approaches (Epp et al., 2021). Socialization is another important feature of constructivist learners because interaction promotes sharing and improves understanding. The utilization of active learning strategies like discussions and simulations can help improve the acquisition of knowledge and its application. During teaching, the role of the instructor is to create a collaborative problem-solving environment where the learner can become active participants.

The constructivist theory supports the student learning outcome in various ways. Firstly, the instructor will discuss the topic of epidemiology, key concepts, investigation of diseases, and the role of community health nurses in this process. Secondly, the instructor provides learning resources for reference and promotes discussions in class. The use of the scenario-based learning activity in module 2 will ensure that students apply what was learned in class and observe how epidemiological knowledge promotes positive health outcomes in communities. To apply this theory in an online learning environment, the instructor should encourage discussions and be readily available to guide students during online discussion posts. The key challenge of this strategy is that the instructor may not be able to adequately facilitate learning and it limits the active participation of students (Epp et al., 2021). The teacher may not be able to understand the student’s preexisting conceptions and fail to guide activities towards the construction of new knowledge. Solutions to these issues may include the utilization of diverse learning resources and allocating more time for online learning.

Learning Resource Justification

The first module discusses the fundamentals of community health nursing and the learning resource utilized is an article from the Nurse Journal. This article provides a career brief for community health nurses and the key responsibilities upon completion of the course. The article outlines career traits for community health nurses like empathy, communication, clinical skills, and critical thinking (Galan, 2021). As part of the introduction to community health nursing, the article provides students with knowledge about where community health nurses work and the reasons why one might consider this role. For example, community health nurses work in community health clinics, homeless shelters, home care, and high offices upon the advancement of their careers (Galan, 2021). Additionally, the resource motivates students to become community health nurses by outlining their career path, essential components, and how much they can earn after graduation. For example, community health nurses earn an average of between $39000 to $84000 (Galan, 2021). The key feature of this resource is that it provides knowledge about the community health nursing course and answers questions that students may have about the role of community health nurses.

The second module focuses on the topic of epidemiology and common diseases in the community. The learning resource utilized is the 7th edition of the ‘Community Health Nursing: Promoting and Protecting the Public’s Health’ textbook. The purpose of the book is to introduce undergraduate nursing students to the stimulating world of nursing outside hospital settings. Unit 2 of the book discusses the topic of epidemiology and communicable diseases including the principles of disease investigation. The textbook provides the learner with knowledge about the historical roots of epidemiology, sources of information, and conducting epidemiological research. For example, the book defines key concepts like an epidemic, endemic, and pandemic that students must understand (Allender et al., 2013). The book aligns with the topic content of disease investigation and management of communicable diseases in the community. Through the use of figures and tables, the book promotes the students’ understanding of the flow of events during disease investigation and the different levels of disease prevention.

Module 3 of the course deals with vulnerable populations and the learning resource used is a peer-reviewed article from the Journal of Global Health. This resource discusses different barriers that prevent individuals and groups from accessing healthcare services. According to the researchers, there exist multiple attributes that disadvantage groups in the community (Tangcharoensathien et al., 2018). These attributes include religion, gender, disability status, location, and employment status. The article educates students about vulnerable populations like immigrants and the disabled. Identification of factors like economic instability and poor state policies encourages students to think critically about the changes that can be made to address such issues. Additionally, the article provides potential solutions like the progressive realization of universal healthcare, policy-making, and education of the healthcare task force (Tangcharoensathien et al., 2018). This resource can enable the students to identify resources within communities to address key challenges facing vulnerable communities.

Scenario-Based Learning Activity

The scenario-based learning activity selected for this discussion is from module 3 and it involves vulnerable communities. During the course, students will conduct a windshield survey of their neighborhoods with a specific emphasis on observing the homeless. Upon completion of the survey, the student will identify community resources available to address the observed challenges of the homeless. The learning scenario is context-based because it addresses vulnerable communities and strategies to reduce vulnerability. The use of a windshield survey will ensure students actively engage in learning and formulating plans to address problems in the community. The scenario enhances learning because it directly engages students in assessing and diagnosing the health of vulnerable communities.

The scenario-based activity facilitates learning by introducing students to a different learning environment outside the classroom. Good education practice encourages active learning like the use of real-life situations and projects for students. This scenario exposes students to the community, encourages them to collect data, and encourages critical thinking to propose solutions to the observed health problems of the community. Regarding reflective practice, the scenario used exposes students to their social, economic, and political context. Through reflection, the student can surface and criticize understandings that emerge from the previous experience (Peixoto et al., 2016). The scenario-based activity will promote reflective practice and bring out reasoning processes that can be used to make better decisions in the future.


Allender, J., Rector, C., Rector, C., & Warner, K. (2013). Community & public health nursing: Promoting the public’s health. lippincott williams & wilkins.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice.

Epp, S., Reekie, M., Denison, J., de Bosch Kemper, N., Willson, M., & Marck, P. (2021). Radical transformation: Embracing constructivism and pedagogy for an innovative nursing curriculum. Journal of Professional Nursing37(5), 804-809.

Galan, N. (2021). Community health nurse career overview. Nurse Journal.

Peixoto, T. A. D. S. M., & Peixoto, N. M. D. S. M. (2016). Reflective practice among nursing students in clinical teaching. Revista de Enfermagem Referência4(11), 121-131.

Tangcharoensathien, V., Mills, A., Das, M. B., Patcharanarumol, W., Buntan, M., & Johns, J. (2018). Addressing the health of vulnerable populations: Social inclusion and universal health coverage. Journal of Global Health8(2), 020304.

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