How to write an Ethical Dilemma nursing essay (Solved)

How to write an Ethical Dilemma nursing essay (Solved)

Introduction: An ethical dilemma is a challenge in deciding between two possible options which are not ethically accepted. In nursing field, it occurs when a nurse has to choose between two competing values and acknowledge the consequences (Faubion, 2022). Also, the ethical dilemma might be against the nurse’s code of ethics and personal values.


Jane was my client during my community health experience. She was a 30-year-old university student with twenty weeks of pregnancy and a devoted Christian who firmly believed that God was capable of doing anything to his followers. Moreover, she had a history of heart disease precipitated by pregnancy. The physicians and clinicians were concerned that pregnancy could precipitate her condition resulting in a life-threatening emergency.

They explained that her pregnancy stresses the heart and circulatory system by increasing the blood volume to almost 50% to sustain the fetus. In addition, as the heart rate would increase as result of overload worsening her condition (Mayo clinic, 2022). Also, the team demonstrated how labor and delivery could add to hearts workload. They told her that pushing during delivery would lead to abrupt blood flow and pressure changes, which was a threat to her life.

After further consultation, the health team recommended abortion in the next three weeks. Jane was unwilling, stating she was raised in Christ, believing abortion is sin and God was in control. She wanted to know if I was in her position. I believe in abortion only on the medical ground, her condition included.

Ethical Dilemma

Usually, patients seek medical advice from healthcare providers. In this case, the medical intervention contradicts the patient’s religious beliefs and morals. Advising the patient on the best decision, which contradicts their morals and beliefs, creates an ethical dilemma.


According to the American Nurses Association Position statement on reproductive health, “healthcare clients have the right to privacy and make decisions about personal health care based on full information and without coercion. Also, nurses have the right to refuse to participate in a particular case on ethical grounds. However, if nurses’ life is in jeopardy, nurses are obligated to provide for the client’s safety and avoid abandonment (Haddad and Geiger, 2022).”

Although I preferred abortion, I didn’t express my opinion and beliefs to the patient. Instead, I encouraged the patient to communicate with her significant others, including the husband, family members, spiritual advisors, and others who she felt they could confide in and seek advice. Also, I encouraged her to research the benefits of abortion to individuals with the same condition and even go further to find the experience of those who had life-saving abortions. It worked so well because she acknowledged her condition and the danger ahead. Additionally, I scheduled a follow-up visit with other healthcare teams to discuss the options available and make decisions within two weeks before the procedure was done. Unfortunately, we found none. Her heart condition was advanced, and only abortion was found effective and safe.

After all interventions, the abortion was successful, and she returned to her normal state, focusing on heart disease. Finally, I provided moral support and advised her on how she could choose surrogacy as an alternative method for having children.


Faubion, D., 2022. 20 Most-Common Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing. [online] Available at: <,Code%20of%20Ethics%20for%20Nurses.> [Accessed 4 June 2022].

Haddad and Geiger, 2022. Europe PMC. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 June 2022].

Mayo clinic, 2022. Managing heart conditions during pregnancy. [online] Mayo Clinic. Available at: <,to%20your%20heart’s%20workload%2C%20too.> [Accessed 4 June 2022].

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