How to write an essay on Principles of Research and Evidence-Based Practice

How to write an essay on Principles of Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Academic research in various disciplines often experiences ethical issues that necessitate the application of research principles. These principles help to guide researchers to make morally acceptable decisions and to produce the best results to improve the care of patients (National Institute of Health, 2016). To help and guide research and the use of evidence-based practices, the following principles are recommended.

Research ethics is based on the ethical principle of respect for persons. Respect for persons involves the recognition that people are capable of making their own decisions (Murphy et al., 2014). The person is thought to be autonomous, unique, and free. Autonomy is one of the fundamental principles of research, especially studies involving human subjects. This principle enables researchers to conduct studies on those that are vulnerable and cannot make decisions (National Institute of Health, 2016). These individuals include minors, pregnant women, prisoners, and the mentally challenged that may lack the capacity to make key decisions about their health.

The second principle guiding ethical research is beneficence. Beneficence means doing no harm to those participating in research. It means that the researcher is responsible for the physical, mental, and social well-being of the participants (National Institute of Health, 2016). During research, the risk of harm should be weighed against the benefits that are likely to result from the study. Additionally, there should be consideration of the health benefits of research to communities. Aspects like pollution should be considered to ensure harm is reduced to communities.

Researchers have an obligation to do justice to the research participants. This principle requires one to ensure reasonable, non-exploitative, and carefully considered procedures are utilized during the research (Murphy et al., 2014). Considering the social and clinical value of research enables one to make decisions that are valid and feasible. Important aspects like cost and health risks should be considered before performing any research.

Apart from the three main principles, research is based on principles like informed consent and the right to withdraw from research. Informed consent means that the participant must understand the purpose of the research, the methods being used, and possible outcomes (National Institute of Health, 2016). This ensures that research participants are volunteers, taking part without being coerced or deceived. In research involving human participants, the right to withdraw should exist without any individual being pressured to continue with research.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) has emerged as the key to addressing healthcare issues and improving patient outcomes. This practice involves the use of the most current scientific evidence to inform healthcare decisions. The first principle that guides EBP is that scientific evidence is one of the many components that guide decision-making (Murphy et al., 2014). Scientific research should be combined with relevant experience, judgment, and patient experiences. Secondly, EBP decision-making is a structured process and hierarchies exist to guide researchers in using the best evidence to make key decisions.

Advanced practice nurses can help to improve care delivery by effectively implementing the principles of research and EBP. These nurses must ensure that research is conducted according to the national guidelines including review by research committees. Advanced practice nurses can work to implement the principles of research by educating patients and the public about their rights (Ylimäki, et al., 2022). Providing education can ensure patients make informed decisions to prevent them against risks and the cost of participating in research. Another way of implementing these principles is to be active participants in ethics review committees and those committees that are charged with implementing EBP in their respective healthcare organizations.


Murphy, M., MacCarthy, M. J., McAllister, L., & Gilbert, R. (2014). Application of the principles of evidence-based practice in decision making among senior management in Nova Scotia’s addiction services agencies. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy9, 47.

National institute of Health. (2016). NIH clinical research trials and you: Guiding principles for ethical research.

Ylimäki, S., Oikarinen, A., Kääriäinen, M., Holopainen, A., Oikarainen, A., Pölkki, T., … & Tuomikoski, A. M. (2022). Advanced practice nurses’ experiences of evidence-based practice: A qualitative study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 20571585221097658.

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