How to write an essay on healthcare Systems and Quality Outcomes (Answered)

How to write an essay on healthcare Systems and Quality Outcomes (Answered)

Scenario A: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is believed to be among the most common preventable cause of death in hospitalized individuals. VTE prophylaxis involves the use of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches to diminish the risk of pulmonary embolism and DVT. The 2018 guidelines from the American Society of Hematology recommend the use of VTE prophylaxis for acutely and chronically ill hospitalized patients (Nana et al., 2020). The scenario presented demonstrates challenges for achieving the use of VTE prophylaxis at Meridien Medical Center. To fully address this issue, an interdisciplinary approach is required to support the education and training of staff.

Interprofessional collaboration is among the best strategies for achieving VTE prophylaxis (Nana et al., 2020). Inadequate patient education about VTE prophylaxis impairs the implementation of the practice making it difficult to achieve desired results. The interdisciplinary team that I believe can help to improve this practice in Meridien Medical Center will include nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and clinical nurse educators. This team will be tasked with ensuring all hospitalized patients receive VTE prophylaxis according to the recommended practice guidelines.

To support the interdisciplinary team, the first action will involve providing a platform for social interaction (Baik & Zierler, 2019). I will organize a meeting to discuss the challenge observed in the organization and allow the members to exchange their views. I will encourage the teams to work collaboratively in performing daily activities, especially when reinforcing VTE prophylaxis guidelines. Another method to support the team is by encouraging open communication. I will consider hosting a meeting to discuss the issue of VTE prophylaxis and boost their cooperation through brainstorming sessions. Lastly, I will share knowledge, insight, and resources regarding VTE and allow them to propose solutions to the problem.

All medical patients admitted to the hospital should be risk assessed for VTE to reduce the risk of hospital-acquired thromboembolism (Nana et al., 2020). Despite the ethos of patient-centered care, it is observed that most patients in Meridien Medical Center are not aware of the risks of VTE. The main problem lies in the less experienced nurses who are not very comfortable teaching patients about the risks of VTE and pulmonary embolism if they declined the shot. To address this issue, I propose the use of VTE training and education for healthcare professionals short courses. The continuing education course taken within the institution will ensure nurses and other healthcare professionals gain knowledge on VTE and how to explain the risks to patients (Nana et al., 2020). Additionally, every new nurse joining the institution will be required to undertake the course. The educational approach will ensure that nurses gain confidence in explaining the risks associated with VTE and convincing patients of the need to take the shot.

An interdisciplinary approach to VTE prevention is an opportunity to improve compliance with VTE prophylaxis (Baik & Zierler, 2019). A strengthened interdisciplinary approach will ensure that each member gets to perform their duties. For example, the doctors will assess for the risk of VTE and prescribe treatment. The nursing team will educate the patient on the need for the shot and ensure medication is administered. The pharmacists will ensure that the drugs are available and well-utilized by the nurses and doctors according to the clinical practice guidelines. Using this team approach, the number of patients developing pulmonary embolism or DVT will decrease. This aspect will also reduce the hospital length of stay and costs associated with PE and DVT.

Diversity in multidisciplinary healthcare teams is a tool that is observed to improve collaboration and patient outcomes (Rosen et al., 2018). This includes working with both the elderly and the young, those with different levels of experience, and individuals from different backgrounds. One thing that diversity brings to the team is increased provider comfort levels (Mitchell et al., 2015). Having different healthcare members in the same team ensures that all level of expertise is available to treat the patient and one doesn’t need to worry about adverse outcomes. To leverage diversity, I will ensure to include members of different age groups, those with expertise in VTE, and professionals that can readily interact with patients from different backgrounds.


Baik, D., & Zierler, B. (2019). Clinical nurses’ experiences and perceptions after the implementation of an interprofessional team intervention: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing28(3-4), 430-443.

Mitchell, R., Boyle, B., Parker, V., Giles, M., Chiang, V., & Joyce, P. (2015). Managing inclusiveness and diversity in teams: How leader inclusiveness affects performance through status and team identity. Human Resource Management, 54(2), 217–239.

Nana, M., Shute, C., Williams, R., Kokwaro, F., Riddick, K., & Lane, H. (2020). Multidisciplinary, patient-centred approach to improving compliance with venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in a district general hospital. BMJ Open Quality9(3), e000680.

Rosen, M. A., DiazGranados, D., Dietz, A. S., Benishek, L. E., Thompson, D., Pronovost, P. J., & Weaver, S. J. (2018). Teamwork in healthcare: Key discoveries enabling safer, high-quality care. American Psychologist73(4), 433.

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