How to write an essay on advanced Nursing Scope of Practice (Solved)

How to write an essay on advanced Nursing Scope of Practice (Solved)

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) provide a broad range of services to patients based upon educational preparation and the scope of professional practice. The scope of practice identifies the type of patients that APRNs care for and the specific activities or procedures that can be done. In Texas, APRNs can work independently and/or collaboratively to assess, diagnose, manage, and evaluate patients (Texas Board of Nursing, 2022). The first aspect of care delivery that I did not know I can do as a licensed provider is certification of death and fetal death certificates. According to the new Health and Safety Code, restrictions for death certifications no longer apply. Advanced practice nurses can now assume the role of death certification without permission from the physician regardless of the circumstances of the natural death.

The nurse practitioner’s scope of practice in the state of Texas is a restricted practice where the majority of the tasks are physician-supervised. However, nurse practitioners are allowed to prescribe physical therapy and other rehabilitation services independently (Wiesen, 2022). My previous understanding was that physical therapy could only be prescribed by physicians before patients could see a physical therapist for treatment. This scope of practice is important for patients because they are able to get a timely referral to therapists to begin the treatment process sooner.

Prescriptive authority for APRNs in Texas is one area that has raised debates in the past due to restricted practice for nurses in the state. APRNs in the state are however allowed to prescribe schedule II drugs with full licensure and a valid prescription authorization number (Wiesen, 2022). Upon completion of the educational requirements, the nurse practitioner is allowed to prescribe these drugs and must maintain protocol with a physician.


Texas Board of Nursing. (2022). Practice- APRN scope of practice.

Wiesen, K. (2022). Nurse practitioner scope of practice by state- 2022.

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