How to write a reflection on  nursing specialization Competencies (Solved)

How to write a reflection on  nursing specialization Competencies (Solved)

Core competencies for professional nursing practice provide a framework for professional expectations and help assimilate nurses into practice. The first competency that I believe I have achieved is in the area of leadership. Throughout my practice as a professional nurse, I have managed to liaise with doctors and other healthcare teams to improve patient care. As a leader, I have managed to apply reflective and critical thinking to solve problems in my healthcare organization. The second competency that I have achieved is in the area of healthcare quality. For example, I have managed to engage in research to identify evidence-based practices to address the issues of hospital-acquired infection. Additionally, participation in meetings to address healthcare policy issues and certain areas of access supports the aspect of quality in the organization.

Nurse practitioners, upon completion of their programs, must utilize available technologies to enhance safety and patient outcomes. During care delivery, I have managed to utilize electronic health records (EHRs) to document patient data and use the information to influence patient outcomes. Secondly, I have been involved in educating patients to utilize mobile app technologies like Myplate Calorie Tracker to improve their health. Achievement of these competencies has ensured the delivery of safe, skilled, and competent care to patients.

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