How to write a nursing reflection on a disease: Diabetes mellitus

How to write a nursing reflection on a disease: Diabetes mellitus

Reflection Posts: Week Two Reflection

In week two I was tasked with analyzing the topic of type 2 diabetes mellitus prevention and identifying gaps related to the topic. I believe I managed to analyze the current scientific evidence for the application of findings to initiate change and improve the practice of type 2 diabetes prevention. Through research, I found out that managing type 2 diabetes is complex because of difficulties with individualizing glycemic targets and choosing the best treatment approaches. Through an online literature search from credible sources, I found out that the main gap in diabetes management is achieving optimal glycemic control among elderly patients. The second way I managed to achieve the program outcome was through the use of current evidence. All the articles used to identify the problem and gaps in disease management were from the last five years. These articles provide current knowledge on the healthcare problem and propose new strategies for the prevention of the disease.

Week Three Reflection

I enjoyed continuing with analyzing literature and creating comprehensive plans to address the challenge of type 2 diabetes among older adults. The student learning outcome for the week was to create comprehensive plans of action that address the health promotion and disease prevention needs of the selected population. The first way I managed to achieve this outcome was through the identification of evidence-based research on the topic that highlighted prevention strategies for the disease. Secondly, I identified that type 2 diabetes management among older adults should involve multiple strategies like the use of exercise, weight loss programs, and education. To plan for disease prevention among the selected population, I used articles that focused on lifestyle interventions and risk reduction activities. I believe this plan can help to address the challenge of type 2 diabetes among the selected population.

Week Four Reflection

Before one can start to improve healthcare, it is important to identify the improvement opportunities and create baseline outcomes. In week four, I continued to further analyze studies to determine what is being done to improve diabetes prevention and the opportunities available to further address this challenge. The first way I achieved the student learning outcome was through the setting of measurable goals in the areas I felt most needed development. For example, I focused on lifestyle changes that can be incorporated into the management of type 2 diabetes among older adults. Secondly, I managed to identify specific target areas like physical activity and exercise that can be further strengthened to improve the prevention of the disease among older adults. Although I did not analyze the aspect of policy in this section, the identified plan could be cost-effective and applicable for the selected population.

Week Five Reflection

Healthcare ethical decision-making is an important aspect of care that helps providers to determine the correct action for each unique situation. The provider should utilize ethical principles like autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice as the foundation for firm ethical decision-making. The first way I achieved the student learning outcome for this week was through the analysis of clinical protocols for the management of illnesses in my organization and by using information from the literature to make informed choices for disease treatment. The second way I believe I have met the program learning outcome is the utilization of ethical principles to design and create plans for patients. For example, I was able to utilize the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence to identify the most appropriate treatment for BPH and UTIs. Selecting the most appropriate treatment options ensures the reduction of harm to patients and the promotion of patient safety.

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