How to write a nursing Facilitation of Context-Based Student-Centered Learning essay

How to write a nursing Facilitation of Context-Based Student-Centered Learning essay

Learning Environment

To provide safe and effective care to patients, nurses must utilize knowledge, skills, and attitudes during decision-making. Nursing is not just a collection of tasks but a profession based on rational decisions that require some skills. For example, nurses are required to perform physical assessments which require competent clinical skills to promote patient safety and quality outcomes. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) defines key competencies that student nurses must meet before graduation. Among the competencies defined include patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics (Sherwood, 2021). The course elements including learning resources and scenario-based learning activities in each module strive to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the QSEN areas mentioned as described below.

Module I of the Community Health Nursing course deals with the role of community health nurses and their impact on disease prevention. Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to understand what community health nurses do and the key attributes that define the community health nurse. To achieve these objectives and outcomes, the module includes five learning resources and one scenario-based learning activity. The learning resources are mainly journal articles that contain evidence-based information about community health nursing and the role these nurses play to prevent illness in the community. The utilization of these resources will enable students to gain knowledge about community health nurses and skills in providing patient-centered care. The students will recognize the boundaries of community health nursing and gain skills in reading research evidence. The scenario-based learning activity will enable students to apply knowledge of community health nursing. The students will demonstrate competency in identifying the roles of community health nurses and interprofessional communication and collaboration.

Module II of the course deals with community assessment to identify factors that put certain populations at risk. To effectively improve the student’s understanding of this topic, the learning resources identified include data from the County Health Rankings and journal articles. These resources are useful in improving the student’s knowledge about their community and the various factors hindering their health. Through the utilization of active learning strategies like think-pair-share, the students will gain skills in communication and collaboration to address community health concerns. Students will demonstrate awareness of their strengths and weaknesses during the interactive classrooms and improve their commitment to teamwork. On the other hand, the scenario-based learning activity will ensure students gain competence in clinical prevention and population health. According to the AACN essentials, baccalaureate nurses should use evaluation results to influence care delivery (Ferrel et al., 2016). The students will demonstrate the achievement of this competency by evaluating community health risks and recommending educational opportunities.

Module III of the course deals with the health education of communities during an epidemic. The students will learn about vulnerable communities and how interdisciplinary actions promote the health of communities. To ensure the acquisition of key knowledge, skills, and competencies, three different articles, and a scenario-based activity are included. The learning resources will provide students with knowledge about public health and evidence-based practices for managing the health of vulnerable communities. The QSEN competencies require nurses to be knowledgeable about the common barriers to healthcare access and the learning materials utilized will provide this information (Sherwood, 2021). The students will gain skills in assessing vulnerable communities, gathering information, and analyzing data. For example, the students will be required to gather information about vulnerable communities and identify educational needs. The scenario-based learning activity will ensure students gain competence in the aspects of communication and teamwork. The students will discuss their findings with stakeholders and collaborate to improve population health outcomes.

Learning Theory

Learning is a complex process that involves the conversion of information into knowledge, skills, and attitudes (Badyal & Singh, 2017). Learning involves a process leading to permanent capacity change and can be explained by various theories. Among these theories include behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, sociocultural, and critical learning theory. These theories recognize that the brains of individuals are unique and experiences contribute to the different ways of learning.

Constructivism is one of the learning theories utilized in improving the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students. This theory is based on the idea that each individual constructs knowledge for themselves as they learn (Epp et al., 2021). The learner is observed to use previous knowledge as a foundation to construct meaning. Therefore, an individual’s background knowledge of a given subject influences how they learn. Scholars explain that learning is active mental work and not a passive reception of teaching making past experiences crucial in gaining new knowledge and understanding.

The theory of constructivism is based on some elements that define how learning occurs. The first element explains that knowledge is constructed and that students begin the learning journey with some preexisting knowledge (Badyal & Singh, 2017). For example, students may begin learning about community health nursing with prior information about the community, the role of the nurse, or common diseases in their community. The students will then select pieces of information to add making everyone’s knowledge unique. Secondly, constructivists believe that learning is a social activity and interacting with others is crucial in constructing knowledge (Badyal & Singh, 2017). Activities like group discussions can help students to reflect on past experiences to create new understanding.

Active learning is one of the key pillars of the constructivism learning theory (Epp et al., 2021). Those students who engage in activities and discussions easily construct knowledge compared to their counterparts. Another key element of constructivism is contextual learning whereby students learn through forging connections with things they already know (Badyal & Singh, 2017). Apart from these elements, constructivism is built upon the idea that knowledge is personal, learning is a social activity, and motivation is key to learning. Overall, constructivism is built on the pillars of collaborative learning and the use of past experiences to improve understanding during learning.

In module III of the community health nursing course, one of the student learning outcomes is to identify risk factors in a vulnerable community during a pandemic. The constructivism learning theory can be used to support this student learning outcome in many ways. Firstly, this student learning outcome is based on the student’s understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic and the different vulnerable communities or populations. The understanding that certain populations are at risk during the pandemic can help the student identify factors that increase their vulnerability. Perhaps, most students have observed issues like displacement, overcrowding, and lack of medical supplies during the pandemic that might affect the health of populations like the homeless. The existence of this information will enable the student to understand better risks in vulnerable communities and strategies to minimize these risks.

The constructivism learning theory is based on the element of active learning to construct knowledge (Epp et al., 2021). The student learning outcome described can best be achieved through engaging students in active learning. For example, the use of group discussions can help the students to share information about vulnerable communities and the risks observed to hinder optimum health outcomes. Secondly, the constructivism theory holds that learning is dependent on how people interact with each other (Epp et al., 2021). The use of simulation-based learning can be used to help achieve the student learning outcome because students will learn from their peers. Students will rely on others to create building blocks for learning about vulnerable communities and observed risk factors.

Rapid developments in technology have made it easy for the adoption of online learning. This learning environment uses computer networks that allow students to learn from anywhere, anytime, and with any means. The synchronous nature of the online learning environment enables students to attend live lectures and have real-time interaction with instructors with an option to receive instant feedback (Dhawan, 2020). During the COVID-19 pandemic, this learning environment proved crucial in allowing continued studying without physical contact. However, there have been challenges in meeting the required standards of learning across different fields. One of the key issues of discussion is how the online learning environment promotes constructivism and what happens if students fail to learn appropriately.

Challenges with online learning environments range from software and hardware-related issues to how information is presented to students. Online learning does not promote engagement and active learning compared to face-to-face learning in the classroom environment. Studies demonstrate that this environment does not promote community and problems with understanding make the acquisition of information difficult (Dhawan, 2020). The constructivist learning theories require students to actively engage in discussions, share information, and practice to promote reflective practices. The online learning environment limits the achievement of these learning aspects and it may not fully benefit students. For instance, utilizing the online learning environment may fail to ensure students identify all the risk factors observed in vulnerable populations during the pandemic. Some students may not find time to share information regarding the pandemic or discuss it with their peers.

Several solutions are available to address the challenges of online learning. Firstly, instructors should strive to make online classes dynamic, interesting, and interactive (Dhawan, 2020). During learning, the use of time limits and reminders can ensure students stay active. Secondly, the provision of additional learning materials can supplement what is learned. These materials can help to address areas that were not covered and encourage students to dig deep.

Learning Resource Justification

Students are provided with five key resources in module I to ensure the acquisition of knowledge about community health nurses. The first article explains the role of nurses in preventive healthcare. The students will gain insight into what nurses do in remote communities and how community health is a major part of the nursing profession (Foolandi, 2015). The second article talks about the preparation of community/public health nurses. Joyce et al. (2015) provide insight into how community health has been an integral component of baccalaureate nursing education and how these nurses are prepared to conduct community assessments. The students will learn about the call for action for community health nurses to provide an increase in resources in the community alongside other strategies like professional development required to function effectively.

With the growing focus on community-based and patient-centered care, nurses need to be prepared from a broader knowledge base. Bouchaud and Swan (2017) provide students with innovative solutions to address decreasing availability of clinical sites. This resource will open the student’s minds to other areas of practice like prisons where they can gain more knowledge about community health. Apart from this resource, McElroy et al. (2020) provide students with information about the state of the science of public health nursing education. Upon reading this resource, students will know why the community health nurse is vital to public health including their role in emergency response.

Learning utilizes various strategies to acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies in nursing. Callen et al. (2013) provide students with insight into the teaching/learning strategies for entry-level baccalaureate nurses. This article will ensure students understand the learning strategies that can enable them to focus on population health and acquire competencies in community health nursing. Lastly, this module utilizes a recent article focusing on quality in community nursing. The students will learn about the quality indicators selected for community nursing and how they are applied (Horrocks et al., 2018). Upon reading this resource, the students will understand the key attributes of nurses working in the community and key aspects of care like kindness and respect.

Module II of this course utilizes three resources to improve the student’s understanding of community health nursing. The first resource deals with the identification of issues in the community and the identification of at-risk populations (County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, 2022). upon identification of the healthcare issues in the community, the second article provides insight on how to influence change through advocacy. Hofmeyer (2020) explains methods of advocacy and how to involve civil societies in improving population health outcomes. Additionally, this article allows students to learn about social determinants of health (SDOH) and how advocacy can help to meet the standard development goals (SDGs). The last resource educates students on how to utilize active learning strategies like think-pair-share to promote knowledge and skills acquisition (Ganatra et al., 2021). The students will learn how this strategy works and how it can improve their communication and collaboration skills through discussions.

Module III of this course deals with providing education to communities amid a pandemic. This module utilizes three key resources to educate students about preparedness and learning strategies to improve their skills. The first article talks about the impact of simulation-based education on nursing confidence, knowledge, and patient outcomes. Crowe et al. (2018) provide students with information about simulation-based learning and its impact on acquiring knowledge, confidence, and communication required during patient care. This article will provide students with information that can ensure the achievement of the key objective dealing with communication with stakeholders.

The second article talks about the role of advanced practice nurses in promoting the health of the public. Bekemeier et al. (2021) discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for nurses who embrace the interconnection between medicine and public health. The article also discusses how APNs are prepared for leadership roles that are crucial in addressing the health concerns of marginalized communities. Upon reading this resource, the student nurse will develop insight on the need for advancing their careers and how pandemics require nurses prepared at higher educational levels. The student will be able to learn to identify key stakeholders to involve during the management of pandemics and develop skills in collaborative practice.

With communities facing public health emergencies, healthcare agencies must make difficult decisions to effectively respond to pandemics. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine provide information about public health emergency preparedness. The article discusses the measures put by the US government to deal with emergencies and evidence-based strategies to improve responses to emergencies (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2020). Upon reading this resource, students will be rich with information about dealing with pandemics and the role of public health professionals. The students will gain knowledge on the four major aspects of preparedness including engagement with communities, activation of public health emergencies, communication of public health alerts, and implementation of quarantine. Utilizing this resource will enable students to meet the outcome of identifying educational needs during a pandemic.

Scenario-Based Learning Activity

The vast development in information technologies means a great deal to the field of nursing education. Scenario-based learning is one of the innovative strategies that focus on enhancing the student’s skills and attitudes to deal with complex health issues. This strategy is observed to improve the student’s confidence and enrich students with strategies to bridge the gap between theory and practice (Ahmed, 2019). In module I, the students will be tasked with identifying the roles of community health nurses and discussing them with peers. This scenario is context-based because it deals with communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The students will look up a case study of a community that benefited from community health nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic. To make it lively, the activity will involve the formation of small groups to discuss and identify three key perceived roles of community health nurses. Additionally, this scenario will promote the engagement of students by discussing their points with the academic nurse educator and asking questions where necessary.

The scenario-based learning activity facilitates learning by introducing students to different learning styles. For example, students will begin the task by reviewing the materials individually. This approach will ensure those students that best learn alone are given time to generate their points. The second approach will involve the formation of small group discussions. This student-centered methodology is important in allowing students to actively involve partners in the teaching-learning process. Group discussions facilitate learning by allowing the build-up of consensus and sharing of ideas. Context-based learning involves the use of real-life fictitious examples in teaching to enable students to learn practically (Dori et al., 2018). Through active engagement with discussions and presentations, the learner interacts directly with the material and can retain content easily compared to mere theoretical learning.

Reflective practice involves the process of reviewing one’s actions to engage in a process of continuous learning (Hursen & Fasli, 2017). The scenario-based learning activity promotes reflective practice because it exposes students to their social context. The use of the case study focusing on the topic of COVID-19 will ensure students look back at what is happening in the community and identify the role of nurses in improving population health outcomes. Secondly, the use of small group discussions provides students with a platform to remember what was discussed. The student will be able to ask why others produced certain points and focus on informed judgments about practice based on evidence. The elements of the scenario that will form the basis of reflection include the roles of community health nurses and four important attributes of community health nurses.



Ahmed, H. H. (2019). Adopting scenario based learning in critical care nursing education: Students’ achievement and feedback. American Journal of Nursing7(4), 581-588.

Badyal, D. K., & Singh, T. (2017). Learning theories: The basics to learn in medical education. International Journal of Applied & Basic Medical Research7(Suppl 1), S1–S3.

Bekemeier, B., Kuehnert, P., Zahner, S. J., Johnson, K. H., Kaneshiro, J., & Swider, S. M. (2021). A critical gap: Advanced practice nurses focused on the public\’s health. Nursing Outlook, 69(5), 865–874.

Bouchaud, M. T., & Swan, B. A. (2017). Integrating correctional and community health care: An innovative approach for clinical learning in a baccalaureate nursing program. Nursing Forum52(1), 38–49.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (2022). Explore health rankings.

Crowe, S., Ewart, L., & Derman, S. (2018). The impact of simulation based education on nursing confidence, knowledge and patient outcomes on general medicine units. Nurse Education in Practice, 29, 70–75.

Dhawan, S. (2020). Online learning: A panacea in the time of COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Educational Technology Systems49(1), 5-22.

Dori, Y. J., Avargil, S., Kohen, Z., & Saar, L. (2018). Context-based learning and metacognitive prompts for enhancing scientific text comprehension. International Journal of Science Education40(10), 1198-1220.

Epp, S., Reekie, M., Denison, J., de Bosch Kemper, N., Willson, M., & Marck, P. (2021). Radical transformation: Embracing constructivism and pedagogy for an innovative nursing curriculum. Journal of Professional Nursing37(5), 804-809.

Ferrell, B., Malloy, P., Mazanec, P., & Virani, R. (2016). CARES: AACN’s new competencies and recommendations for educating undergraduate nursing students to improve palliative care. Journal of Professional Nursing32(5), 327-333.

Ganatra, S., Doblanko, T., Rasmussen, K., Green, J., Kebbe, M., Amin, M., & Perez, A. (2021). Perceived effectiveness and applicability of think-pair-share including storytelling (TPS-S) to enhance clinical learning. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 33(2), 184–195.

Fooladi M. M. (2015). The role of nurses in community awareness and preventive health. International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery3(4), 328–329.

Hofmeyer, A. (2020, Jan. 24). Influence through advocacy: Raising awareness, advancing change.

Hursen, C., & Fasli, F. G. (2017). Investigating the efficiency of scenario based learning and reflective learning approaches in teacher education. European Journal of Contemporary Education6(2), 264-279.

Joyce, B. L., Harmon, M. J., Pilling, L. B., Johnson, R. H., Hicks, V. L., & Brown-Schott, N. (2015). The preparation of community/public health nurses: Amplifying the impact. Public Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.)32(6), 595–597.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2020). Evidence-based practice for public health emergency preparedness and response. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Sherwood G. (2021). Quality and safety education for nurses: Making progress in patient safety, learning from COVID-19. International Journal of Nursing Sciences8(3), 249–251.

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