How to write a nursing essay on Learning Needs Assessment (Solved)

How to write a nursing essay on Learning Needs Assessment (Solved)

Learning needs assessment is a systematic approach used by nurse educators to examine what students need to learn. The primary purpose of assessing the students’ needs is to assist with and enhance the planning of educational activities (Pilcher, 2016). The nurse educator can be able to identify the values and beliefs of students that might affect information exchange and overall student outcomes. Assessment of learning needs before developing lesson plans helps nurse educators to make informed decisions regarding what and how education should be provided.

A learning needs assessment may be based on individual or group needs making it important to incorporate both aspects during the initial assessment. Based on my chosen topic of the lesson plan, the first aspect I will assess is the gap in knowledge, skill, and practice of the students. Assessing for these gaps will ensure I understand what needs to be emphasized and the type of learning materials to be incorporated to improve understanding (Pilcher, 2016). I will look for effective communication skills and teamwork to ensure that I get to determine the type of activities to be included during learning. For example, group discussions will only apply to students who communicate effectively with each other.

Demographic data analysis provides a powerful picture that helps nurse educators to understand the school’s impact on student performance. Important demographic data I will collect include enrollment, attendance, gender, age, and native language. Apart from these data, I will consider gathering information about ethnicity, learner diversity, grade level, and drop-out rate to determine the expected performance upon completion of the course. I will be able to observe trends and glean information for purposes of prediction and planning using demographic data.


Pilcher, J. (2016). Learning needs assessment: Not only for continuing education. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development32(4), 185-191.

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