How to write a nursing essay on APN Competencies

How to write a nursing essay on APN Competencies

Differentiate the following teaching/ patient education; APN guidance (including anticipatory guidance); and APN coaching. Are there similarities and differences between these three? How are these three interventions incorporated into APN practice? (MO4, 5,6)

Patient education is a key educative experience that helps individuals or communities boost their health by increasing their knowledge. Patient education targets to generate self-care and change. It is vital to provide information regarding the disease process or plan a treatment regime to improve their wellbeing. APNS first asses patients’ knowledge before educating them to ascertain what they know about the disease, treatment and care plan and determine the kind of education the client will require (Tracy et al., 2018). APNs should evaluate the patient’s understanding and effectiveness of what is taught to assess the addition of further teaching if possible.

APN guidance enables the delivering high-quality, patient-centred and safe care. The guidance requires providing advice or education, which can be viewed as a distinct form of coaching. Guidance entails providing counselling by directing, leading or advising patients on how to make informed decisions on their care. APNs utilize guidance to create awareness, contemplate, implement and sustain positive behavioural changes to manage health and illness circumstances or prepare patients for transitions in health. Anticipatory guidance and teaching are part of guidance targeted at helping patients and families know what they expect regarding health care. The APN takes a role in providing information and possible outcomes regarding healthcare to patients.

Coaching, teaching and guidance are competency aspects of the roles of APNs. These three interventions are homogenous in that they seek to provide knowledge on the diverse healthcare stakeholders and partners by enlightening them on their healthcare service delivery roles and outcomes. The similarity between these intertwined terms is that it requires great empathy and strong listening skills. Coaching is a long-term association with the patients, while guidance involves a short time, may or without the physical presence of the healthcare provider. APNs incorporate higher authoritative gradient power in guidance while these powers are shared between APNs and the involved stakeholders in coaching (Spross et al., 2016). Guidance and coaching are used differently in health care. APNs can help patients to live healthier lifestyles through guidance and coaching to improve their quality.


Tracy, M. F., & O’Grady, E. T. (2018). Hamric & Hanson’s advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach (6th Ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences.

Spross, J. A., & Babine, R. L. (2016). Guidance and Coaching. Retrieved form,

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