How to write a Healthcare Systems and Quality Outcomes nursing essay

How to write a Healthcare Systems and Quality Outcomes nursing essay

Lewis story: Lewis’s story is a tragic story regarding the failed healthcare systems. The failed healthcare organization, process, and outcomes typically communicate a failed health system. Lewis Blackman depicts rampant negligence in the healthcare system. The medical profession is encompassed by many errors that the system process fails to address before they occur (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2019). Occurrences happen when medical personnel responsible for taking care of their patients fail to facilitate the treatment of a patient. Negligence jeopardizes the patient’s state of health and leads to unnecessary loss of the patient’s life, rendering psychological torture among the relatives. It is traumatizing to notice that Lewis Blackman, who was going for corrective surgery, finally ended up losing his in the process due to the negligence of healthcare providers whose task was to provide adequate and proper care and treatment to Lewis Blackman.

Lewis Blackman was admitted to the hospital so that he could undergo corrective surgery meant to rectify his condition. He could not continue participating in his favorite activities, such as soccer, like other boys his age, due to his chest condition. The corrective surgery was done uneventfully. Little did Lewis’s parents make an appointment with the surgeon concerning their son’s corrective surgery would be the worst decision they had ever made. Sadly, Lewis could no longer leave the hospital alive as he had stepped in.

Lewis’s story is factual that the health care providers failed Lewis and his family. First, the system failed Lewis and his family because communication lapsed soon after the surgery, and the surgeon responsible for Lewis’s health was nowhere to be seen. The nurses could not respond to Lewis’s mother’s numerous calls for help. The residents who attended Lewis state of health were residents, including intern doctors who did not know how the surgery was done. The nurses gave false hope to the Lewis mother when her son’s state of health was worsening. The health facility seemed affected since the attending doctors appeared once. The system had poor documentation since the vital signs were not noted or charted. When Lewis went into Cardiac arrest, no attending doctor was available. Resources available for taking vital signs were not available. The nurses and attending residents spent two and a half hours moving around the hospital, looking for a blood pressure machine. However, the parents requested for attending doctor, who delayed only to untrain the intern appeared; the boy’s condition had already worsened. This scenario depicts a failed system that made Lewis’s family feel desperate and made them feel as if Lewis had been abandoned in the patient’s medical facility (Safety Movement, n.d.).

Lewis Blackman depicts poor communication between the nurses and the doctors and between the nurse and the patient parents. The parents made several calls and requested the nurses, which they turned down. They lessened hearing the concerns stated by Lewis’s mother. The nurses gave misguided communication. Poor communication between the nurse and the attending doctor typically led to the death of Lewis Blackman. When nurses communicate with the doctors, the doctor delays responding to the communication. Miscommunication between doctors and nurses leads to a lack of common direction between the health care providers.

The negligence of the medical staff when they administered a five-day dose of intravenous NSAID painkiller ketorolac to a child. Another error in Lewis’s case is when the hospital provided a fourth-year general surgery resident to handle Lewis’s case instead of providing qualified health care personnel. The hospital turned down the information when the mother requested an attending physician (Johnson et al., 2009). Another incidence of error is when the doctor continues to use the same medication for a long time without the idea of changing the medication. Additionally, failure to document the trends legibly in vitals contributed to errors in the management of Lewis’s condition. The change of doctors rather than the attending doctor contributed to mistakes that could have been sorted out.


Patient Safety Movement. (n.d.). Patient Story: Lewis Blackman. Retrieved from

Johnson, J., Haskell, H., & Barach, P. (2009). Lewis’s story—It’s hard to kill a healthy 15-year-old. Retrieved from

Ricciardi, R., & Shofer, M. (2019). Nurses and patients: Natural partners to advance patient safety. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 34(1), 1–3.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2019e). Systems approach. Retrieved from

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