How to write a custom paper on leadership in Nursing and Healthcare

How to write a custom paper on leadership in Nursing and Healthcare

Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare

The identified leadership style for this discussion is servant leadership. Servant leadership is a participative style that puts team satisfaction first and above the needs of the leader. The focus of the servant leader is mainly on the means of getting results rather than the results (Best, 2020). This leadership style differs from transformation leadership because transformational leaders focus on organizational goals (Fischer, 2016). Additionally, the servant leader’s employees achieve organizational objectives faster because they are the leader’s first priority.

Work culture, whether positive or negative impacts outcomes in healthcare. Leaders contribute to a healthy workplace by promoting involving employees in decision-making. Engaged employees find it easy to communicate with their superiors and perform their duties without fear. Another way leaders use to create a healthy workplace culture is through teamwork. Regular team-building activities organized by leaders can help to unite members and promote good relationships at work.

Servant leadership primarily achieves results through expression and handling other people’s needs (Best, 2020). This style can be used to promote a healthy workplace culture because it is based on the elements of honesty, respect, integrity, and trust. Through activities like mentorship, leaders can promote good relationships between employees, work in teams, and share with their superiors on important matters.

Transformational leadership can be used to promote congruency with the mission and values of the workplace environment by boosting the morale of employees. Transformational leaders are observed to teach employees how to think critically rather than just doing what they are told (Fischer, 2016). Through mobilization of employees, boosting their morale and motivation, transformational leaders ensure total focus on the organizational mission. Transformational leaders also inspire people, provide support, and set clear goals and policies that make employees align with workplace environment values.


Best, C. (2020). Is there a place for servant leadership in nursing?. Practice Nursing31(3), 128-132.

Fischer S. A. (2016). Transformational leadership in nursing: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing72(11), 2644–2653.

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