how the effect of aerobic exercise/ moderate intensity exercise on the prevention of GDM in pregnant women with obesity

how the effect of aerobic exercise/ moderate intensity exercise on the prevention of GDM in pregnant women with obesity
Assignment: Research Proposal Value 35%
Medium-length paper (6-8 pages, excluding title page, abstract, references, and appendices).
This paper should form the basis of the " Introduction " section of your research proposal and includes your thesis statement (revised if your instructor has suggested a revision in
Assignment 1) and the literature review section. Your paper must adhere to the APA style.
how the effect of aerobic exercise/ moderate intensity exercise on the prevention of GDM in pregnant women with obesity
This section should demonstrate your ability to describe, critically analyze, and integrate the findings of research-based articles. Be sure to highlight any theoretical or conceptual approaches being used, as well as identify key concepts.
Your paper should include the Introduction and Literature Review section, as well as the Methods section, including the proposed: Participants; Design; Procedures; Measures, etc.
Discuss validity issues as relevant to your design and measures.
Minimally this paper must include the following

(1) Title Page (proposal title, your name, running head – see APA manual)

(2) Abstract (brief summary and purpose of proposed study including rationale,
aims/objectives, thesis statement or research question, the significance of research)

(3) Introduction Section (see APA manual)

Introduce the Problem: Introductory paragraph (or two) where brief background
information is provided, the importance of the study and rationale, and your thesis
Review of Literature: This is the main body of your paper. The key concepts
should be defined, theories or models (if being used) are explained, and the
literature is critically reviewed and gaps are identified.

Conclusion paragraph (or two) where your approach to solving the problem is
presented. This might include the proposed research, the research question(s)
and any hypotheses.

(4) Method Section. This section should describe in detail (ideally enough detail so one
could replicate it) how the study will be conducted. It must minimally contain the
Subsections identifying Participants and Procedures.
The participants’ section should identify and describe who your participants will be
The Procedures section is typically divided further into multiple subsections
Proposed sampling frame and procedures around sampling
Expected or anticipated sample size (power calculations not necessary for
this assignment)
Research design
Experimental manipulation or intervention, if applicable (interventions
should be fully described and explained)
Discussion of potential strengths and limitations, drawing on any validity
concerns and applying those to your context and proposed study.

(5) References section
The Introduction section of a research proposal introduces the problem, provides the
rationale, discusses the importance of the problem, and provides a synthesis, critique, and
discussion of relevant scholarship. New ideas, previous limitations, weaknesses, and criticisms of past research should be discussed to support your proposed study.

1. Identification of the research problem. What is the research problem or topic that you
are going to be studying? Try to sum this up within a few sentences.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common complications
during pregnancy. It is caused as a result of the high insulin demands during
pregnancy and leads to higher-than-normal blood glucose levels.
The study will reveal how the effect of aerobic exercise/ moderate intensity
exercise on the prevention of GDM in pregnant women with obesity.

2. Identify concepts being studied
One way to decrease glucose levels is to exercise as this makes the body use more
glucose. One should exercise and set personal targets during pregnancy, and
increased physical activity will make muscles take more glucose and control
glucose levels.

3. Identify the main categories you will need to write about (e,g, if your topic is
about breastfeeding, social media, and social support, you will need to identify
these topics areas: look at social support and breast feeding, breastfeeding and
social media etc).
Test Diabetes and Physical Activity
GDM and social support
(please add more categories)

4. Identify any theory or conceptual model that might be being used.
The Theory of Planned Behavior, Transtheoretical Model, and Social Cognitive

5. Publish journal years.
For the articles, I would like to see the majority pithing 5-7 years; however, a few
older ones are fine (just as long as the majority are recent)

6. A draft of your thesis statement.
aerobic exercise/ moderate intensity exercise decreases gestational diabetes in
pregnant women with obesity.

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