Scenario Evaluation Assignment – Due: 11 PM, May 2. Individual assignment. 100 points The first half of the semester has focused on middle childhood development, (school age children between 7-12 years of age.) You have read chapters 11-13 in the text as well as online lecture information and you have completed various online assignments and discussions about the development of children this age. The HMS 340 text should be a beginning source of information and page numbers from the text should be included when citing information from the text. In addition, three (3) professional references should be included and referenced using correct APA format (6th edition). The Scenario Evaluation assignment provides a brief description about a middle school age child. Limited information is given, but enough information is provided to ‘paint a picture’ about particular areas of development related to the age and gender of the child and situations and conditions that may impact this child’s development. It is important to remember you are not a therapist or counselor and your response should be based on sound development within the theoretical frameworks you have studied in this course and other human development related courses. Your discussion should include as many domains as possible. Remember that development in each domain can adversely or positively impact development in other domains. The Scenario Evaluation assignment should contain all of the following: Introduction The introduction should be a well developed paragraph or two that clearly and concisely identifies the developmental issues. Body of paper The body of the paper should clearly focus on the issues as described in the scenario from a developmental prospective and should consider and include discussion about all appropriate domains (e.g., physical, emotional, social, cognitive). Each scenario includes enough information for you to focus on the important developmental issues of the specific age and gender of the child. Summary paragraph A summary should provide a concise paragraph concluding the main points of the evaluation and the primary findings from your resources. Opinion section Although you will no doubt form a personal opinion about the situation, the opinion section should be based on appropriate facts, research, and developmental data; and should identify important questions and concerns you have about the scenario situation as well as possible recommendations for those involved (parents, family members, teachers, social service agencies). The Scenario Evaluation assignment must be a minimum of three (3) pages in length. One source of information everyone will use is the HMS 340 text. A minimum of three additional current references must be included. All references should be current (within the last 5 years). Include a title page with the following information: · Student’s name · Scenario Evaluation # XXXXX · HMS 340.501 · Instructor’s name · Due date (November 17, 2013) The assignment must be: · submitted via the designated HMS 340 d2l ‘Assignment’ · double-spaced using 12 point font · a minimum of three (3) pages in length · written in third person narrative Scenario 1 Megan leans over to get a hug from her father in the dropoff loop of Carter Middle School. Like every other day she gets a hand on her shoulder that pats her and pushes her out the car door to avoid her interrupting her father’s business call. The kids waiting outside the school all gather around to admire the red flashy Porsche she emerges from. She is known among her peers as the girl who has everything. The expensive clothes, flashy cars, big house, the latest technology, pretty much anything a kid could dream of. Though all the kids flock around her, it is not for the reason she wishes they did. Her fellow students get close to her in the hopes of gaining access to the things she owns. Megan eventually pushes through the crowd with her eyes on her feet and makes her way to class. She walks into her 6thgrade English class and sits in her usual seat. In the last couple of minutes before class begins, the other students are asking if they can see her new purse, and if her dad has gotten her the new pink cell phone cover she has been wanting. Mrs. Richardson, her teacher, has observedMegan in the classroom, during lunch in the cafeteria, and before and after school. Although she seems to have all the material things she could possibly want, Mrs. Richardson notices that beyond her expensive apparel and gadgets, Megan appears sad and lonely and as she looks beyond the obvious she believes the real problem stems from Megan feeling neglected. Her parents are always working and sometimes their work takes one or both of them out of town. They have a full time live in household help who also stays with Megan when her parents are traveling.Mrs. Richardson realizes that although Megan has many students around her, she does not have a close friend. On several occasions Mrs. Richardson has heard the other girls planning a sleepover, but Megan does not seem to be included in the plans. Though the other students are friendly and polite to Megan, she is really not included in the group.
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