Describe the health promotion contributions of a health agency that provides direct health promotion/health education services to the public at the local level. You may choose a government agency (i.e. County of San Diego Department of Health and Human Services Safe for Baby Program), non-profit (i.e. American Heart Association San Diego Chapter), medical care organization (i.e. San Ysidro Health Centers), educational organization (i.e. Student Health Services at San Diego State Univeristy), business or industry (i.e. worksite wellness program at Johnson&Johnson). You may be able to obtain the required information from reviewing their website, but a phone call or in-person informational interview may be necessary. • Provide a summary of the type of work that the agency does. • Who is their target audience/priority population? • What are their funding streams? • How many employees do they have? • What is the make-up of education employees/educational levels/mix of clinician and non-clinician? Are they employees or contractors? • What are their top 3 topics of interest/target behaviors? Why those issues are important (use evidence-based literature to back this up)? • Can you find any publicity/marketing materials related to programs? • What techniques/methods do they use to provide health promotion activities? • Are there any job postings for a Health Education Specialist (note that the title may be Health Educator, Program Manager, Outreach Worker, etc)? What are the qualifications? • Would this organization be a viable option for employment for a graduate of National University’s Community Health Education Program? Paper requirements: • Papers should be 5-7 pages in length (excluding reference section), 12-font, and double spaced • Submit word document in the drop box, no pdf file please. • Provide references i.e. websites, any personal communication. Must follow APA guidelines for citing references.
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