Points 1 Background of the system you are assessing is presented 10 2 What pathological/condition are you looking for during your physical examination/ assessment and Why? 10 3 Perform your focal physical assessment and obtain a pertinent health history/ family history/ social history/ medication history for the system you are assessing. 30 4 Include in your presentation the equipment to be used during your exam. If you do not have it, please provide images of the equipment on your powerpoint slides. 10 5 List 3 normal variations of your system that may appear during your assessment 5 6 List 3 abnormal changes/variations of your system that may appear during your assessment 5 7 Include Risk Factors for the abnormal changes/ variations of your system. 10 8 Patient Education 10 9 Every student in the group participated, the slides were organized and the presentation was clear. References were cited appropriately. 10 Total Possible Points: 100
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