Gender differences between male and female federal politic leaders in terms of their involvement in federal politics, platforms, success and term served.
Historically, federal politics in past decades have experienced disparity with involvement of women in politics coupled with male dominance in administrative and authority bodies. Women were regarded as home owners with male figures taking politics and authority control. This was depicted in many developed and developing countries and women were not included in politics. Voter turnouts in most political participation men exceeded women before 1980. There has been a reverse gender gap after 1984 with the rate becoming almost comparable. Moreover, with globalization and gender rights awareness, the gap has bee closing with more women observed to undertake political participation. This has been attributed to greater chances of gender equity compounded by educational attainment, professional status and income. Women have become more active as their male counterparts in political engagement that has been sparked by knowledge and political interest (Andrew, 1998).
Men have served in almost all platforms of federal politics such as legislature or executive positions, but women have long been facing special barriers through their efforts to achieve election in political offices. These hurdles go beyond occupational disadvantages or familial responsibilities to political and perceptual barriers that women encounter. Most of the women pursuing different posts in administration and a political career are likely to attain them with conditions compared to men. More so, women’s success in pursuing a higher office is tied to circumstances compared to success in men. Motivational circumstances for both women and men in political platforms and career are more complex with different attitudes and perceptions (Edwards, 1995).
While women have bridged the political gap with men restoring parity in various platforms and political participation, success and engagement scores lower rates for women compared to men. This has been attributed to the behavioral and cognitive difference in political life with factors like efficacy, media consumption, political knowledge and interest being a significant component in federal politics. Diagnostic tests have shown lower scores for women compared to men, but stability has been relatively achieved with the advent of strong trends towards women empowerment through educational attainment. Moreover, the political knowledge gap for both women and men vary through level of office in political issues and figures.
Terms served
Male counterparts have served for a long time in political platforms, and offices compared to women in federal politics. This has been expounded in the average difference of approximate twelve percent to seven percent for men and women respectively. In addition, the factors of knowledge gap with variance in office occupation, descriptive representation and issue area are found across various political cohorts. Most political stances also exhibit male figures that can hold more than one political term in leadership compared to women on the same level. Although, many political parties and institutions nowadays claim to hold parity in ranks and terms served compared to yester years, political differences are still evident. However, Canadian women politics have evolved with more women observed to take an interest in the political field that had been left virtually for men, with women as electors, members of political parties, candidates in federal elections, senators and MPs as well. Finally, women still remain marginalized in federal politics involvement through various platforms, success and term factors (Sylvia, 1993).
Andersen, K. (1999). The gender gap and experiences with the welfare state.
Andrew, K. (1998). Demographics and leadership philosophy: exploring gender differences. Journal of Management Development.
Catherine, A. & Randi, R. (1993). Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta. University of Alberta Press. Calgary.
Edwards, R. (1995). Gender in American Politics, 1880-1900. University of Virginia.
Lovenduski, J. (2001). Gender and politics: critical mass or minority representation. Oxford University Press. Oxford,
Sylvia, B. (1993). Toeing the Lines: Women and Party Politics in English Canada (2nd edition). OxfordUniversity Press, Toronto.