
Question descriptionIntroduction and Background

A fallacy is an error in reasoning. There are many types of fallacies and each one does something particular to the argument and causes our premises to not provide support for
our conclusion. As we explored last week, the purpose of any argument is to persuade. We are giving our facts, reasons, data, evidence, and support for our conclusion. Our argument commits a fallacy when the reasons we are giving do not provide support for our conclusion.


Begin by reviewing the topics at the procon.org website – http://www.procon.org/

Choose one of the topics located on the procon website as the focus of your assignment.

Create an eight to ten slide PowerPoint presentation examining the topic you selected at the procon.org website.

Step One – Present and evaluate the premises and conclusions that support your view about the topic. Include one scholarly reference from the library databases that provide supportive data for your view.

Step Two – Present and evaluate the premises and conclusions that support an opposing view related to this same question. Include one scholarly reference from the library databases that provide supportive data for the opposing view.

Step Three – In this step you will examine fallacies within both sides of the argument. Define the fallacy that is committed and explain the impact of the fallacy on the argument.

Step Four- Narrate your presentation using either the Speaker’s Notes or the voice-over feature in PowerPoint. In this step you want to define and describe the concepts that are outlined on your slides. Imagine what you would say if you are presenting to your co-workers or classmates. You want to describe the concepts in your Speaker’s Notes or using the voice-over feature in PowerPoint.

Your choice of either

1. 1 – 2 paragraphs of description per slide which address the assignment requirements should be included. The paragraphs can be written on a separate Word document or included in the “Speaker’s Notes” in PowerPoint.

2. A verbal presentation using the voice-over feature in PowerPoint. 1.5 to 3 minutes of description per slides which addresses the assignment requirements should be included. (https://support.office.com/en-IN/article/add-narration-to-a-presentation-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c)

• APA format
• A title page
• 8-10 slides
• Written speaker’s notes or a verbal presentation using the voice-over in PowerPoint
• A reference page
• Include two scholarly articles to support each side of your selected question
• Submit your presentation as a PowerPoint presentation file (.ppt or .pptx file).