Task 2 INSTRUCTION how to write and template will be in an attachment.
Here\'s a brief message (detail will be upload under name TASK 2).
Find total 7 articles (5 research articles (level 1-3) and 2 non-research articles (level 4-5) that support a single intervention).
These articles must be published within the last 5 years. All seven articles should
focus on a single intervention.
Here\'s the list of Topics to search on:
Hand hygiene education
Patient education on fall risk
Patient education on smoking cessation
Patient education to prevent heart failure readmission
Non-pharmacological behavioral interventions to reduce pain
Non-pharmacological behavioral interventions to reduce anxiety
Pet assisted therapy
Palliative care education
Patient education to prevent elective C-section
Skin to skin to improve breastfeeding compliance
Prophylactic dressings to prevent pressure ulcer
Motivational interviewing
dalectical behavioral therapy
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