DRWA-8880G-15-Doctoral Writing Assessment

DRWA-8880G-15-Doctoral Writing Assessment Prompt: What challenges to completion do you anticipate you will encounter in your doctoral program?
What strategies for successful completion do you anticipate will be the most useful for you, and how will you work toward implementing these strategies to meet your goals?

By Day 7 (Sunday) of Week 2 at 11:59 pm MST (please adjust this time to your current time zone)
Write a 1-2-page, double-spaced essay in response to the prompt above.
DRWA-8880G-15-Doctoral Writing Assessment
To present your strongest writing skills, submit an essay that:
Provides a focused and clear central idea that responds to all questions in the assignment prompt with developed ideas;
Integrates relevant and accurate paraphrased and/or quoted and cited evidence from the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt in support of the argument, accompanied by appropriate analysis – you may use your preferred citation style;
Organizes ideas with logical structure, clear paragraphs, and transitional words/phrases;
Uses grammar and mechanics to effectively communicate meaning to readers;
Maintains academic integrity by demonstrating your original work and appropriately paraphrasing and citing relevant information from the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt. Including outside sources beyond the Marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt provided above is not required for this essay; if you use them, however, then you must cite any information you summarize, paraphrase, or quote in your preferred citation style.
For additional tips as you draft and revise your essay, visit the Doctoral Writing Assessment website and the Writing Center website. Note, however, that this assignment is not eligible for the Writing Center’s paper review service.

DRWA-8880G-15-Doctoral Writing Assessment
Please do not write your name on your essay. Instead, save your document in accordance with the directions that follow.

Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

Important: Please do not write your name on your essay. Instead, save your Assignment using the naming convention “Assessment+Student ID number.(extension)” (for example, AssessmentA00111111.doc) as the name.
Essays must be submitted in this format to ensure anonymous scoring.
Assessment score: 0 Assessment score: 1 Assessment score: 2 Assessment score: 3 Assessment score: 4 Assessment score: 5
Central idea of essay
(weight = x1)
Score possible = 0 – 5
0 (0%)
Essay does not follow academic integrity standards; or no essay was submitted
1 (5%)
Central idea is unidentifiable or appears unrelated to the prompt, and ideas are not developed
2 (10%)
Central idea is muddled or strays from the prompt, and ideas are not fully developed
3 (15%)
Central idea is clear and connected to the prompt, and ideas are somewhat developed
4 (20%)
Central idea is clear and related to the prompt, and ideas are developed
5 (25%)
Central idea is focused, clear, and directly responds to the prompt, and ideas are fully developed
Paraphrase and analysis
(weight = x1)
Score possible = 0 – 5
0 (0%)
Essay does not follow academic integrity standards; or no essay was submitted
1 (5%)
No evidence (paraphrase, quotation, or allusion) is provided from the reading
2 (10%)
Vague or inaccurate connection to the reading is provided through paraphrase, quotation, and/or allusion, with weak analysis and inconsistent citation/attribution
3 (15%)
Clear connection to the reading is provided through somewhat accurate paraphrase, quotation, and/or allusion, with an attempt to provide analysis and citation/attribution
4 (20%)
Relevant and accurately paraphrased and/or quoted evidence is provided from the reading to support the overall argument, accompanied by analysis and citation and/or attribution
5 (25%)
Clear, accurate, and relevant paraphrased evidence is integrated from the reading to support the overall argument, accompanied by strong analysis and citation and/or attribution
(weight = x1)
Score possible = 0 – 5
0 (0%)
Essay does not follow academic integrity standards; or no essay was submitted
1 (5%)
Ideas are disorganized with unclear structure, paragraphs, and transitional words/phrases
2 (10%)
Ideas are loosely organized but lack logical structure, clear paragraphs, and/or appropriate transitional words/phrases
3 (15%)
Ideas are organized but lack logical structure, clear paragraphs, or appropriate transitional words/phrases
4 (20%)
Ideas are organized with logical structure, clear paragraphs, and appropriate transitional words/phrases
5 (25%)
Ideas are well organized with logical overall structure, clearly developed paragraphs, and effective transitional words/phrases
Grammar and Mechanics
(weight = x1)
Score possible = 0 – 5
0 (0%)
Essay does not follow academic integrity standards; or no essay was submitted
1 (5%)
Multiple inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics impede reader’s access to ideas
2 (10%)
Some inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics limit reader’s access to ideas
3 (15%)
Few inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics distract reader from meaning
4 (20%)
Use of grammar and mechanics is straightforward and effectively conveys meaning to reader
5 (25%)
Use of grammar and mechanics skillfully communicates meaning to reade

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