Drug Report: The report is on Apo-furosemide or synthetic Marijuana by Health Canada Advisory Custom Paper
Please this assignment is very sensitive. Read instructions carefully in order to get all the answers correctly. There are questions to respond to, attached is a template to use, there is a sample template, and frequently asked questions regarding this assignment. Special notice, the recommended textbook is Pharmacology for Nursing Care written by Richard A. Lehne 2013, 8th edition. Elsevier: St Louis, MO, no other textbook to be used. If this is impossible let me know. The report is on Apo-furosemide or synthetic Marijuana by Health Canada Advisory. You can choose anyone depends on which one you can get more information on. But I will attach some pages on Marijuana from the textbook, but feel free to do any of the two report.See link on attached document for the report. Please you may use a drug guide as an aide and Anatomy and Physiology and other textbook as a reference. See sample answers for guide.