The below assignment has been written by another student. Please read it very carefully and reply to it by providing 150 meaningful words, apa format, at least 1 citation from course textbook: Martin, M. E. (2014). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN: 9780205848058. Your work should be original work. Thanks(michelle) Hello class my name is Michelle Leroy and I currently live in Lake Charles Louisiana. I am originally from Houston Texas but have resided here for a year or so. I graduated from Eisenhower High School and pursed an initial career in substance abuse counseling. I graduated from Eisenhower High School and pursed an initial career in substance abuse counseling. I graduated from the Institute of Chemical Dependency Studies. After I finished school at the Institute of Chemical Dependency studies I went on to pursue a Bachelors of Science in Human Services from Springfield College. After receiving my Chemical Dependency Counselor Intern License I worked for David & Ivory Ministries also located in Houston, Texas. Under the employment of David & Ivory (2009) I worked in Harris County Probation Department in a Therapeutic community with men ages 17-21. The TC community as we call it in counseling deals with a military minded way of coping with problems and behavior modification where those in treatment hold themselves and their peers accountable for unfavorable or behaviors one wants to improve. After working in the TC something inside me wanted to expand. I wanted to do more than just substance abuse counseling, I wanted to help the whole person and not limit myself to these issues. I obtained employment from Phoenix House Foundation (2011). During my career at the Phoenix House I worked as a Prevention specialist and primarily worked in the area school districts and provided services at YMCA’s and other community centers and housing projects. While working at the Phoenix House I would provide prevention education to middle school, high school age students as well as senior citizens in some communities. It was also my job to find and connect people with community resources for life changes. In addition, to my career I also attended Prairie View A&M University in Texas and began my Master of Arts in Counseling. Soon after I moved to Lake Charles, Louisiana and began working on my Masters at Liberty University to gain not only my Masters in Counseling but to develop my knowledge of Christian Counseling which throughout my career was a missing necessity. While it is believed that all aspects of human services history is important from personal perspective the most important is the emergence of charitable organizations. Despite some of the views of the charitable organizations such as poverty being an issur of individual failure, the charity organization society sets the landmark for others to make contributions to help others which in turn helps the world. Furthermore, Martin (2014) states that the charity organization societies is considered the Genesis of social work
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