Research a specific healthcare topic and conduct a secondary healthcare study. Requirements -secondary healthcare study *****Submit the methodssection of your healthcare study for instructor feedback. This submission should include the following: • Identify the design of the study • Include definitions for all key terms • Describe who collected the original data and how it was collected • Describe all information resources used in your research • Present the full electronic search strategy for at least one database, including any limits used, such that it could be repeated. • State the process for selecting studies • Describe how the methods were helpful in answering the study question • Explain any ethical considerations • Describe how the data was analyzed Reflection Compose and submit a reflection that addresses the following prompts. • What strategies am I using that are working well or not working well to help me learn? • What is most challenging for me about this project? • What could I do differently starting now, to address these challenges? ****Review of Literature Compose a two-page literature review to be used in the discussionsection of your healthcare study written report. Include information from at least 4 scholarly articles and one other reputable source . Organize your review into themes (subtopics) and incorporate information from the literature into each theme. Avoid discussing the articles one at a time. Cite all of the articles using both in-text citations and an entry on a references page. Before you begin, review the articles below and examine the organization of the literature review sections. Keep in mind, these are published articles; your literature review section will be shorter than the examples.″>What Deficits in Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge Exist among Women with Cystic Fibrosis?″>A Systematic Review″>Bereavement and Mental Health after Sudden and Violent Losses: A Review *** Submit the resultssection and part 1 of the discussionsection for instructor feedback. This submission should include the following: Results • Description of the study population, sample study, demographics of participants • For each study, present characteristics for which data were extracted and provide the citations. • Communicate and explain the research findings Discussion(Part 1) • Summary of key findings oThe summary should match the aims or objectives spelled out at the end of the introduction • Compare new study to previous studies • Discussion of relevant existing literature • Limitations of the study oAnalyze the challenges to your research and propose possible solutions. ***** Submit the abstract, introduction, and part 2 of the discussionsection for instructor feedback. This submission should include: Abstract– Summary of the article • “Advertisement” for the study ?150-250 words Continued on next page Introduction– Background information that the reader needs to know • Study population • Study site • Study time period • May be only 1-2 paragraphs if discussion section is long • Include a comparison to previous studies • Conclude with a statement about the significance of the study and the aims or objectives of the study (This should be linked to the summary of key findings in part 1 of the discussion section) Discussion(Part 2) • Conclusions (new theories, policy implications, directions for further research)oEvaluate and explain various outcomes that your research may have on consumers, providers, policymakers, and healthcare managers. oIdentify and describe other disciplines that may be related to or involved with your healthcare study. Health Care Study Question: How has usage of Electronic Health Record systems impacted quality of care, physician productivity, and hospital efficiency? Abstract: Objectives To determine whether usage of electronic health record systems such as clinical decision support (CDS) is associated with improved quality indicators. To examine the impact of the degree of electronic health record (EHR) use and delegation of EHR tasks on clinician productivity. To determine the impact of health information technology (HIT) adoption and hospital-physician integration on hospital efficiency. Study Design We use the National Hospital Medical Care Surveys to perform logistic regression to analyze adult primary care visits for the association between the use of CDS (problem lists, preventive care reminders, lab results, lab range notifications, and drug-drug interaction warnings) and quality measures (blood pressure control, cancer screening, health education, influenza vaccination, and visits related to adverse drug events). We examine EHR use in primary care practices that implement a web-based EHR from Athena health (n = 42) over 3 years (695 practice-month observations). Practices are predominantly small and spread throughout the country. Data is from Athena health practice management system and EHR task logs. Using data from the American Hospital Association’s (AHA) annual survey, the AHA IT survey, supplemented by the CMS Case Mix Index, and the US Census Bureau’s small area income and poverty estimates; we examine how the adoption of HIT and employment of physicians affected hospital efficiency and whether they were substitutes or complements. References Hsiao C-J, Hing E. Use and Characteristics of Electronic Health Record Systems Among Office-based Physician Practices: United States, 2001-2012; NCHS Data Brief, No 111, December 2012. Hyattsville, MD: HHS, CDC, National Center for Health Statistics; 2012. Poissant L, Pereira J, Tamblyn R, Kawasumi Y. The impact of electronic health records on time efficiency of physicians and nurses: a systematic review. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2005;12(5):505-516. Chaudhry B, Wang J, Wu S, et al. Systematic review: impact of health information technology on quality, efficiency, and costs of medical care. Ann Intern Med. 2006;144(10):742-752. Lammers, E. The effect of hospital-physician integration on health information technology adoption. Health Econ. 2013;22(10):1215-1229.
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