Critical Thinking Module for LPN students

Critical Thinking Module for LPN students
Curriculum proposal paper – Develop a new module to teach critical thinking to LPN students. This module must represent one week of classroom instruction and include a simulation lab. The goal is to teach LPN students to take the classroom and book learning into the simulation lab and clinical settings. Must include all parts included in the template provided. All sources must be within the last 10 years.
Critical Thinking Module for LPN Students
Must have:
• Executive summary
• Affinity diagram
• Curriculum proposal
• Syllabus
• Affinity process
• Course content outline
• Curriculum maps
• Force field analysis
• Gantt chart
• Gap analysis
• Learning experience synthesis
• Literature review and summary table
• Professional development plan
• Student survey
• Modular curriculum development
Needs to include power point presentation that is listed in the rubric

Uploading everything I have on the project. Probably more than they need, but I need to make sure that it is all covered.
The documents I have uploaded are examples of what is expected in the capstone project.

You have spent your clinical/practice experience (CPE) observing the academic setting and collaborating with stakeholders to analyze the curriculum.
During this time, you have identified a curriculum gap or need. You are now tasked with summarizing your findings and presenting them as a formal
curriculum proposal. The goal of your proposal is to report the results of your analysis of an existing gap or need in the curriculum of the academic
setting and propose a new or redeveloped course intended to address this curriculum gap or need.

To complete this task, use the “Curriculum Proposal Template” attached below to create your proposal. This document serves two purposes: 1) as a
guide to help you properly format and structure your proposal and 2) the template includes extra guidance on the content of each section.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one
individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit
your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each
requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Create your Curriculum Proposal using the attached “Curriculum Proposal Template” and by doing the following:
A.  Complete the “Introduction” section of your curriculum proposal. Be sure to include a brief summary of each of the following:
•  academic setting you observed during your clinical/practice experience (CPE)
•  curriculum gap or need that you identified in the academic setting of your CPE
•  the course you are proposing to address the curriculum gap or need
•  theoretical framework that underlies your proposal
•  purpose of the curriculum proposal document and an overview of the structure of the document

B.  Complete the “Literature Review” section of your curriculum proposal by doing the following:
1.  Submit a literature review summary table using 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly resources from the nursing, education, or change theory literature and
attach the table to your proposal as an appendix.
2.  Describe the curriculum gap or need you observed, including potential causes, within the context of an established nursing, education, or change
3.  Summarize the findings of the scholarly resources you reviewed in part B1 and how they support your specific course proposal.
C.  Complete the “Application of the ADDIE Model” section of your curriculum proposal by writing a brief overview of the purpose and process
of each phase of the ADDIE model.

D.  Complete the “Proposal Analysis Phase” section of your curriculum proposal by doing the following:
1.  Describe each of the following aspects of the academic setting:
•  the program level of the course you are proposing
•  knowledge and skills of the typical learner in the academic setting from your CPE
•  the learning environment and method used to deliver instruction to students
2.  Describe the procedures you followed to complete your needs assessment and gap analysis, including the roles, qualifications, and reason for
including the stakeholders you involved. Do not include the actual names of stakeholders.
3.  Summarize the current and desired states of the curriculum as identified during your meetings with stakeholders.
4.  Describe how your curriculum proposal will address the gap or need identified in part B2.
5.  Describe the results of your Force Field Analysis, including each of the following:
•  organizational strengths and situational factors that could support the adoption of your curriculum proposal and how you can leverage these
factors to your advantage
•  organizational weaknesses and situational factors that could limit the adoption of your curriculum proposal and how the negative impact of
these factors can be mitigated
E.  Complete the “Proposal Design Phase” section of your curriculum proposal by doing the following:
1.  Describe the independent and collaborative procedures you followed to create the course syllabus you submitted during your CPE.
2.  Analyze how a new student would interpret the course description you included in your course syllabus.
3.  Analyze the course objectives you included in the course syllabus with regards to their measurability and consistency with your proposed
curriculum change.
4.  Describe how each of the following elements of your syllabus are supported by current learning theories and evidence-based practice and
how each will support learning in your academic setting:
•  teaching strategies
•  instructional delivery methods
•  learning materials
5.  Analyze one student learning outcome (SLO) that you included on the syllabus. Be sure to include each of the following in your analysis:
•  Bloom’s cognitive level of the SLO
•  expected student performance level of the SLO
•  how the SLO can be measured
•  how the SLO aligns with the course objectives
6.  Justify why the course and grading policies you chose support the course objectives and overall goals of the curriculum proposal.

F.  Complete the “Proposal Development Phase” section of your curriculum proposal by doing the following:
1.  Describe the independent and collaborative procedures you followed to create the course materials (i.e., course content, assessments, and learning
resources) you submitted during your CPE.

2.  Describe how your learning resources and scenario-based learning activity will support student skill development and encourage reflective
3.  Discuss how your chosen formative assessment activity will measure student progress and identify potential areas for improvement as the student
progresses through the module.
4.  Discuss how summative objective assessment data can be used in the future to ensure that your curriculum proposal is meeting its intended goals.
5.  Justify how your summative performance assessment represents an authentic activity that is relevant to you chosen curriculum proposal.

G.  Include each of the following deliverables from your CPE as tables in the appendix of your curriculum proposal. Be sure to label each attachment
sequentially as a separate table, figure, or appendix, and refer to each in your text as needed:
•  affinity diagram
•  curriculum need-gap analysis table
•  force field analysis (FFA)
•  course syllabus
•  course materials, including the following:
–  course unit overview
–  lecture content
–  learning resources
–  learning activities
•  assessments, including the following:
–  formative assessment
–  summative objective assessment (10 items with answer key)
–  summative performance assessment (including rubric)
H.  Complete the “Proposal Implementation Planning Phase” section of your curriculum proposal (continue using the attached “Curriculum Proposal
Template” from C946) by doing the following:
1.  Describe the human, financial, and technology resources needed to pilot test and implement the course.
2.  Describe the pilot testing procedures that will precede full implementation. Be sure to include each of the following:
•   each stakeholder that will be involved in pilot testing and a rationale for each stakeholder’s inclusion (do not include actual names)
•   the process for gathering feedback on the course content
•   the process for editing and improving the course based on feedback
3.  Describe the faculty training plan that will support course implementation.
4.  Describe potential technical problems that could prevent students from accessing or completing the course and how those problems will be
I.  Complete the “Proposal Evaluation Planning Phase” section of your curriculum proposal by doing the following:
1.  Describe the procedures you used to determine course performance metrics and why you chose them.
2.  Describe the procedures you used to develop the 10-item end-of-course (EOC) student survey.
a.  Analyze how your 10-item EOC survey will yield information on each of the following:

•   instructor performance
•   learning materials/resources
•   learning management system/technology usability and usefulness
•   assessments and assignments
•   social learning/peer collaboration
•   overall satisfaction with the course
3.  Describe the formative evaluation plan, including process, tasks, and stakeholders, that will be used to monitor whether the course is meeting
student and instructor needs.
J.  Complete the “Conclusion” section of your curriculum proposal. Be sure to include a brief summary of each of the following:
•   rationale and purpose of the proposal
•   how the proposal will fill the identified curriculum gap or need
•   importance of implementing the proposal
•   new insights and creative approaches used to meet the curriculum gap or need
•   how the proposed course will benefit the diverse learning styles in the student population of your clinical/practice experience (CPE) academic
•   how the proposed course aligns with and contributes to nursing education and practice as a whole
K.  Complete the “Executive Summary” section of your curriculum proposal by summarizing key points from each of the five ADDIE phases described
in your proposal, using no more than five sentences for each phase.
L.  Include each of the following deliverables from your CPE as tables in the appendix of your curriculum proposal. Be sure to label each attachment
sequentially as a separate table, and refer to each table in your text as needed.
•   table or Gantt chart with tasks and timelines to implement the curriculum proposal
•   10-item EOC student survey
M.  Submit your formal narrative paper in APA style, including but not limited to title page, headers, in-text citations, and references.
N.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission

O.  Submit your formal narrative paper in APA style, including but not limited to title page, headers, in-text citations, and references.

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