What are the critical healthcare policy issues related to [1]access to care,[2] cost of care, and [3]quality of care within an organized hospital system? Research and Evaluate this question from the perspective of EACH of the following: 1. A hospital administrator 2. A physician 3. A patient 4. A politician 5. A tax payer 6. Board Member 7. Staff Be sure to LABEL each part of the answer. HCMG630 – Health Care Organizations Research Project “A” Question Possible pts Earned Pts Comments Policy issues related to Access to carewithin a hospital system from point of view of: 1. Hospital administrator 2. Physician 3. Patient 4. Politician 5. Tax payer 6. Board member 7. Staff 56 [8 Pts each] Policy issues related to Quality of carewithin a hospital system from point of view of: 1. Hospital administrator 2. Physician 3. Patient 4. Politician 5. Tax payer 6. Board member 7. Staff 56 [8 Pts each] Policy issues related to Cost of carewithin a hospital system from point of view of: 1. Hospital administrator 2. Physician 3. Patient 4. Politician 5. Tax payer 6. Board member 7. Staff 56 [8 Pts each] Introduction and Conclusion 20 Appropriate APA citations and peer-reviewed references [minimum: 5] Remember: Website are not peer-reviewed references 10 Grammar, punctuation, spelling, APA formatting= GRADUATE LEVEL writing. Label each section and identify which entity [ex. Patient, Taxpayer, staff, etc.] Points deducted if each answer and section is not labeled! Maximum 6 pages in length 12 TOTAL POINTS 210 HCMG630 – HealthCareOrganizations Research Project “A” Question Possible pts Earned Pts Comments PolicyissuesrelatedtoAccesstocarewithinahospitalsystemfrom point of view of: 1. Hospitaladministrator 2. Physician 3. Patient 4. Politician 5. Tax payer 6. Board member 7. Staff 56 [8 Ptseach] PolicyissuesrelatedtoQualityofcarewithinahospitalsystemfrom point of view of: 1. Hospitaladministrator 2. Physician 3. Patient 4. Politician 5. Tax payer 6. Board member 7. Staff 56 [8 Ptseach] PolicyissuesrelatedtoCostofcarewithinahospitalsystemfrom point of view of: 1. Hospitaladministrator 2. Physician 3. Patient 4. Politician 5. Tax payer 6. Board member 7. Staff 56 [8 Ptseach] Introduction and Conclusion 20 Appropriate APA citations andpeer-reviewedreferences [minimum: 5] Remember: Website are not peer-reviewed references 10 Grammar, punctuation, spelling, APA formatting= GRADUATE LEVEL writing. Labeleachsection and identify which entity [ex. Patient, Taxpayer, staff, etc.] Points deducted ifeachanswer and section is not labeled! Maximum 6 pages in length 12 TOTAL POINTS 210
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