DQ #1 Please answer the following discussion question fully. Refer to the required reading assignments for additional assistance. Discussion Question #1 is due on Day 3. Although I give no minimum or maximum word count, a count of 200-300 words for an initial answer is often sufficient. How do managed care models contribute to the continuum of care? How do individuals travel along the continuum of care? What areas along the continuum have you utilized? What areas do you anticipate utilizing? DQ #2 .0001pt; background-color: white; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;”> Please answer the following discussion question fully. Refer to the required reading assignments for additional assistance. Discussion Question #2 is due on Day 5. Although I give no minimum or maximum word count, a count of 200-300 words for an initial answer is often sufficient. Where do you see health care in 30 years? How will consumer demands shape the future health care system? How will the private sector influence the future health care system?
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