concept map and scholarly paper based on population Adolescent Obesity in canada. I already did my concept map with Elitewriter (1225) the order no is 114061. please go through the concept map and make some changes with the tutor feedback comments that i am attaching with the file. Assignment guidelines, marking criteria and some links for your reference please go through that too..
Assignment 1: Concept Map: Community Health Promotion - Application to Your Practice |
Between assignment 1 A and 1 B, students will demonstrate growth in learning. Assignment 1A outlines your initial understanding of the target community and demonstrates you have considered relevant factors and the determinants of health impacting your community. At the end of the course, concept map and scholarly paper (assignment 1B) will build on earlier course work. The concept map in the final course submission (1B), will have increased depth and detail. The scholarly paper will introduce the target community and analyse 4 chosen community health concepts and demonstrate how concepts relate to the community�s overall health.
Assignment Guidelines
Concept maps are visual tools used to support learners in demonstrating relationships, connections and processes between concepts and ideas about a central subject (Harrison & Gibbons, 2013). As a learner, you will have the opportunity to draw from existing knowledge, identify knowledge gaps and make learning meaningful to you through concept mapping (Fitzgerald, n.d.). Often in nursing concept maps, the central node is the client, and the arcs link to outlying nodes about the client. In this assignment the central node must be the community as the client. First, you will develop a comprehensive community health promotion concept map and then select 4 community health concepts that stand out in relation to your community client for in depth discussion in a scholarly paper.
Athabasca University Tool Cupboard, Concept Mapping.
Novak, J.D. (2008). Concept maps: What the heck is this?
Marking Criteria
Concept Map (15/30)
1A initial draft submission graded as pass/fail, 1B final submission is graded out of 15 marks.
• The community is the central node.
• Multiple nodes of community health concepts are included.
• Distinct, concise, descriptive terms of linking relationships/arcs are evident.
• Progression from the first submission to the second submission demonstrates a greater depth of understanding of community health promotion.
• Contained in a single page.
Scholarly Paper (15/30)
• Setting and chosen community are clearly articulated.
• A minimum of 4 community health concepts/nodes are selected for in depth discussion (examples concepts could include but are not limited to: harm reductions, health promotion, community resilience, health literacy or primary health care). This discussion should include, but is not limited to answering the question of how is each concept demonstrated/applied/analyzed in relation to the issue or trend that you have chosen in your community?
• Role of the nurse and evidenced based nursing practice are clearly articulated in relation to each of the 4 community health concepts
• Ability to analyze, evaluate, create, and engage in critical inquiry is evident throughout.
• Adheres to APA current addition scholarly format - limit of 6 pages (excluding title and reference pages).
please go through the below feedback comments got from concept map 1
Feedback comments
Thank you, consider adding Health, health promotion, population health, primary health care as the initial nodes and then build from there.
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