“Clinical Support Services” Please respond to the following: · Patient scheduling is often an issue that involves several Clinical Support Services (CSSs). Some CSSs must be scheduled in specific sequence, requiring the patient to be moved from place to place. Delays should be minimized, but service times are not always predictable. Propose ways that an excellent organization would address these scheduling problems. · Illustrate the primary role of the managers in Clinical Support Services in providing and improving quality patient care. Week 5 dq2 “Approach to Clinical Support Services” Please respond to the following: · A small hospital in a well-managed healthcare system can consider three ways to obtain clinical support services: “stand alone” (hire its own healthcare professionals); “outsource” (buy services from local providers); and “affiliate” (arrange for training, procedures, and supervision through its system). Determine how the organization should come to a decision regarding which approach to providing CSSs is preferable. · Who should be involved in that decision? · Assess the primary performance measure used to evaluate the effectiveness of CSSs.
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