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North West Broward Road Runners Club (NWBRRC) Youth Running Program provides training for beginners and advanced runners ages 4-14. The program helps children improve their running skills through endurance and speed training. The program can help children also improve their endurance in sports such as baseball, basketball, football, lacrosse, softball, volleyball, soccer, and other athletics. Children will feel accomplished Coach Melissa Schwartz has been coaching the youth running program for 12 years over the past 7 years. She strives to encourage the kids to run by making running fun. Running can be challenging but rewarding. I also assist with coaching. We inspire and motivate children by splitting up and cheering the younger kids. The program is eight weeks long and the finale is a 5k organized run in which the entire group participates. We help children achieve their goal which is usually to complete the 5k but also the help children become fit, well rounded healthy individuals. The target population that I would like to discuss is childhood obesity. Studies state that less than 5% of U. S. adults meet the national recommendation of 30 minutes of physical activity per day. Fewer than half of all children in the U.S. meet the physical activity guidelines of 1 hour of activity per day. This number is seen to continually decrease as children enter adolescence (Barnett, Ridker, Okechukwu, & Gortmaker, 2017). Encouraging adolescents to engage in 1 hour of physical activity per day can be cumbersome as they do no always want to take direction from parents or nurses. It is important to make physical activity enjoyable. Our town has a community center called the Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center (P-REC) which offers classes for the youth group. These classes include yoga, meditation classes, fencing, painting, dancing, soccer, volleyball and cooking. The transtheoretical model is a theory that has evolved over the years and is the examination of behavior change over time. There are five phases that an individual can experience in trying to change behavior. The first and second phases are precontemplation and contemplation, which involve the mental preparation when considering a change. The third phase is preparation in getting ready to enact a behavior change in the next month. The fourth is action, where the change is executed, and the fifth is maintenance, where the person has maintained good health for 6 months or longer (Sharma, 2107). The first and second phases are crucial. In order to encourage running for children to be enjoyable, we must analyze what a child feels as enjoyable. This is the mental part. My oldest daughter enjoys tennis and that is her choice of exercise. Did you play sports as a child? If so, which sport/ activity did you engage in and did you enjoy it? References Barnett, E. Y., Ridker, P.M., Okechukwu, C. A., & Gortmaker, S.L. (2017). Integrating children\'s physical activity enjoyment into public health dialougue (United States). Health Promotion International, 34(1), 144-153. North West Broward Road Runners Club. 2019. Retrieved from Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center. 2019. Retrieved from Sharma, M., & Romas, J. A. (2012). Theoretical foundations of health education and health promotion. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978-1284-104943.