Advocacy Assignment: Helping the Patient through Change
Using your scenario from the “Helping the Patient through Change” assignment, in 350-400 words, describe the consultation and collaboration with the patient and how the renal nurse would advocate and involve the health care team. Include the issue as well as your ideal participation/intervention in bringing a resolution to the situation.
Remember confidentiality and do not identify the patient or the institution in your submission if the scenario you have chosen is based on a lived experience.
Allow the rubric to guide your content for this assignment.
Submit your narrative under the Assignment tool in Blackboard. Make sure to name your file:
Advocacy Assignment
A few points regarding your next assignment.
Advocacy Assignment: Helping the Patient through Change
You do not need to create a new scenario. This assignment is a continuation of the scenario you created for your Helping the Patient Through Change assignment. Think of this assignment as the next steps in the process leading to a successful end point (change).
Provide a short restatement of the identified issue utilized within your Helping the Patient Through Change assignment. Explain how you would consult and collaboration with the patient as well as how you as the nurse would advocate to obtain resources needed for the patient to successfully attain the desired change.
Advocacy Assignment: Helping the Patient through Change
Rubric details:
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric\’s layout.
Name: NEPH513-Advocacy
Grid View
List View
Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
The Patient Issue
Examples: lack of appropriate care; lack of resources; lack of information/communication
Points Range:5.4 (36.00%) – 6.75 (45.00%)
Comprehensive, detailed description and explanation of the situation/ ethical dilemma facing the patient. The writer clearly identifies the issue resulting in the need for advocacy.
Points Range:4.3875 (29.25%) – 5.3325 (35.55%)
Well-articulated description of the situation/ ethical dilemma facing the patient. The writer identifies the nature of the issue needing advocacy
Points Range:4.05 (27.00%) – 4.32 (28.80%)
Understandable description of the issue facing the patient. The writer describes the reason for advocacy
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3.9825 (26.55%)
Poor description of the situation facing the patient. Inadequate explanation of the need for advocacy
The Nursing Intervention
Points Range:5.4 (36.00%) – 6.75 (45.00%)
Comprehensive, detailed explanation of the recommended nursing participation/ intervention to be employed to resolve the issue and the extent to which you believe the intervention will be successful
Points Range:4.3875 (29.25%) – 5.3325 (35.55%)
Well-articulated explanation of the nursing participation/ intervention to be employed to resolve the issue and the extent to which you believe the intervention will be successful
Points Range:4.05 (27.00%) – 4.32 (28.80%)
Understandable description of the nursing participation/ intervention to be employed to resolve the issue and the extent to which you believe the intervention will be successful
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3.9825 (26.55%)
Poor explanation of the nursing participation/ intervention to be employed to resolve the issue and the extent to which you believe the intervention will be successful
APA Format
Points Range:1.2 (8.00%) – 1.5 (10.00%)
Always follows current APA format.
Points Range:0.975 (6.50%) – 1.185 (7.90%)
Somewhat follows current APA format.
Points Range:0.9 (6.00%) – 0.96 (6.40%)
Rarely follows current APA format.
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0.885 (5.90%)
Does not follow current APA format.
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