A Study of Cosmology

The human desire to comprehend cosmology, as the study of the universe as a whole formed the foundations of what is termed as modern cosmology. Since time in memorial, human beings have always formed myths as the beginner attempt to come to grips with understanding the universe in totality. Many mythical narratives have been shared in almost every, community in the world, wide. These mythical stories have helped in influencing individual deeds or cultural values and virtues of diverse societies around the universe.  One of the prominent myths in explicating is the big bang theory.

However, according to John F. Hawley (2005) this theory to casual observers appears as just another myth, although without some of the obvious anthropocentric features. He continues to say that their study on modern cosmology is based upon the scientific method. The big bang theory is part of cosmology, because it is also part of the theories describing how the universe was formed. Consequently this theory has been tackled by quite a good number of philosophers and scientists who have got their own ways of defining as well as conducting experimental studies to prove their knowledge of the theory.

The explanation of the Big Bang Theory:
First and foremost, before we dig more in understanding the big bang theory it is wise to begin by understanding what the theory is all about. The big bang theory is the philosophical acknowledgement of how all the matter in the universe at one point was one condensed object with dense energy, which at some point bursted exponentially resulting to all the matter on the universe we have today. However, some astrologists do not concur with this idea, since they have a different opinion which refutes it to be accorded the term theory. They say that the big bang theory is not a premise on the genesis of the cosmos; rather, it illustrates the growth of the universe over a period of time Bjom Feiberbacher and Ryan Scranton (2006.)

The astronomical society calls this development; cosmological evolution, that led growth of the universe periodically. It is utmost great importance to comprehend that big bang theory is fully autonomous of biological growth-Consequently; over several years, the overall image of cosmology presented by big bang theory has been generally accepted by general astronomers and a bigger scientific society as compared to the other theories.

However, there are no equal ideologies that have been agreed upon on the eventual foundations of the entire cosmos. This field of knowledge remains open for more active exploration to ascertain the actual origins of the universe which we believe shall soon be realized by potential, able astronomers compared to the other potential misleading notion of the cosmos theory.

As much as the big bang theory is widely known to be the theory that describes the process which caused the formation of the matter surrounding origins of the universe, it revolves to be one of the most inconsistently misunderstood theories, since its has been misrepresented on many occasions by the most of the people. Some young, upcoming creationists discharge it as an agnostic theory thought about by some scientists finding justifications to defy the devive creation theory described in the book of genesis written on the holy bible. These bible creationists have bolted onto big bang theory philosophy as evidence claiming that the universe had its origin and was not there at some point in the past. Although, some agnostics have debated that big bang theory does not recognize the creator of the cosmos.

One of experiments to support the big bang theory is the one discussing how people have difficulty in understanding how the space expanded on its own. The simplest idea on helping people comprehend this concept is by demonstrating an experiment on distance between two points in the space increasing with some recognizable exceptions such as; assuming there are two points C and D fixed at coordinate places, in a swelling or expanding space there are two things to be, noted as truths. To begin with is the expanse between points C and D, and secondly the distance is always extending or rising.

According to the observed information about the dark energy its beginner suggestion began in 1992, through a published paper by Gyorgy Paal on this topic. The dark energy theory is the theory well known for explaining recent observations that the space appears to be intensifying at pick up the pace velocity. This theory has developed a view of the universe as a rapidly changing replica of the reason why things in the universe swiftly change and they are still continuing to change with some velocity as witnessed as time goes.

The universe keeps on changing and expanding while bring new ideas and new matters such as the continued discovery of new planets or new space objects. Scientists are still not at ease since they still hope for more discoveries as the cosmos continues to enlarge. The theory of every thing; which is some times called a string examines how particles in the space/universe are made up of two loops of vibrating strings making a surrounding in the universe that have the technological ability. This theory embraces all the laws of nature controlling the universe forces and movements.

Bjom Feiberbacher and Ryan Scranton (2006) Evidence for the big bang Retrieved on July 23, 2012 http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/astronomy/bigbang.html
John F. Hawley (2005) Foundations of modern Cosmology chapter 1 retrieved on July 23, 2012 http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~jh8h/Foundations/chapter1/chapter1.html