A proposal for Fall Prevention in a professional workplace


NS 430

Goals for the Assignment: Develop a proposal for a project that will resolve a problem in a professional

work area (1).  Falls Prevention

Course Outcomes:    3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 with emphasis on 11.


  1. Submit a topic you are considering in writing to the Course Faculty by the end of

Lesson 4.  The faculty will review and make suggestions back to you in writing.

  1. You may submit one (1) dracaft to the faculty member or her designee for review. This should

be submitted via email (do not use the assignment submit area as this is for the real

submission and faculty will have to reset this if you make this mistake).  Comments and

suggestions will be returned to you.

  1. The final paper is to be submitted at the end of Lesson 8.

Paper Instructions: 

  1. Written manuscripts will utilize APA formatting.  You may refer to the
  2. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th).  Washington, DC:  Author.
  1. Please format with 1 inch margins and use the same font (Times New Roman 12 point).
  2. Please review the Ashworth’s standards for Academic Honesty. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  3. The following are expected components of the proposal:
    1. Title Page
    2. An Abstract (approximately 250 words): This should be written last although it appears at the beginning of the paper.
    3. Introduction
    4. Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study: Depends on the type of study you are planning to do whether you have hypotheses or just a research question.
    5. Review of the Literature
    6. Conceptual Framework or Organizing Framework (in many nursing studies)
    7. Methodology: Discusses who the potential participants are and their selection, ethical considerations, proposed data collection methodology, and statistical applications)
    8. Applicability to Nursing Practice: Summarizes why this research is or may be important and what the findings may do to support nursing theory and evidence-based care.
    9. References: APA formatting.

Grading:     Weighted Score is 20% of Final Grade.  Scoring based on 100 points.

See Rubric which follows.



0 points










1. Title and Abstract (Total 20 points) Title or Abstract omitted or inappropriate.  Demonstrates lack of understanding of research question and methodology. Abstract present but addresses the research questions but omits the methodology.

(5 points)

Appropriate Details but missing issue or variable or context or method. (10 points)


Title and abstract fit the proposed research study (15 points) Informative title and abstract; focused information about the topic, variables, context of the research, and proposed methodology.  (20 pts.)
2.  Introduction:  Problem, Significance, Purpose, Research questions (or hypotheses), definitions, assumptions, limitations (Total 20 points) At least 4 of the components are omitted or inappropriate.


At least 3 of the components are omitted or inappropriate

(5 points)

At least 2 of the components are omitted or inappropriate.

(10 points)

All components are present.  Relates to the literature with some inappropriate assumptions. (15 points) Components flows logically to the literature.  Components are clear, specific, and establish relevance. (20 points)
3.  Review of the Literature:

Organization, Literature; Conceptual or Organizing Framework (Total 20 points)

Literature review unstructured, difficult to follow, confusing, or irrelevant to stated problem. Literature review unstructured or difficult to follow but somewhat related to the problem. (5 points) Literature review organization weak, omits important ideas, constructs, or variables. (10 points) Literature review well organized.  Key variables and constructs present.

(15 points)

Literature review integrates detail suggests critical, intuitive review.  Provides breath of research on topic. Includes Conceptual or Organizing Framework

(20 points)

4. Methodology:  Design, Context, Population and Sampling, Ethical Considerations, Instruments, Procedures, and Proposed Data Analysis (Total Points 20)


At least 4 of the methodological components were missing or inappropriately addressed or used. At least 2 or the methodological components are missing or inappropriately addressed or used.  (5 points) Descriptions of the instruments, protocols, procedures and statistical methods were present but confusing.

(Total points 10)

Context, population and sampling were described; instruments and protocols identified and described.  Statistical methods with significance identified (as appropriate).  (Total points 15) Components were well defined and appropriate for the research.  Procedures were chronological.  Data analysis was appropriate to the research design.
5.  Manuscript:  APA format; sentence structure; spelling; organization and presentation. (Total Points 20) >5 spelling errors, poor sentence structure, lack of organization; failure to follow APA guidelines ≤4 spelling errors, poor sentence structure or lack of organization; inappropriate or incomplete APA citation or use (Total 5 points). ≤ 3 spelling errors, some sentence structure problems, organized, some APA errors.

(Total Points 10)

≤ 3 spelling errors, good sentence structure and organization and followed APA guidelines. (Total Points 15) 1 or less spelling errors, excellent sentence, paragraph structure; APA guidelines appropriate of citations, headings, contents, pagination, headers, etc. (Total Points 20)
TOTAL POINTS 100 Points          


Student: ______________________________________      Graded By: _________________________________________

Final Score: ___________________________________