Topic: The Legal Implications of Acceptance or Refusal of an Assignment
After reviewing the ANA position statement on “Rights of Registered Nurses when Considering a Patient Assignment,” discuss the legal and ethical implications of accepting assignments. When delegating assignments to unlicensed personnel, what considerations need to be considered? What insurance issues come into play? Analyze the legal principle of Responde at Superior.
Textbook Readings
Read the following topics in Essentials of Nursing Law and Ethics:
\"Defenses to Negligence or Malpractice\"
\"Prevention of Malpractice\"
\"Nurses as Witnesses\"
\"Professional Liability Insurance\"
\"Accepting or Refusing an Assignment/Patient Abandonment\"
\"Delegation to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel\"
\"Staffing Issues and Floating\"
Journal Readings
Please retrieve and read the following journal articles from the Library.
Anselmi, K. K. (2012). Nurses’ personal liability vs. employers’ vicarious liability. MEDSURG Nursing, 21(1)(, 45–48.
Watson, E. (2014). Nursing malpractice: costs, trends, and issues. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 25, 26-31.