eli rose week 1 health promotion

support the argument

The role and responsibility of the Advance Practice Nurse (APRN) generalist towards health promotion in the workplace is multifaceted. Nurses and Advance Practice Nurses have the opportunity to interact with many different individuals on a daily basis, which also gives them the opportunity for health promotion and disease prevention assessments and interventions (Sharma, 2017). The nurse investigator should be on the lookout for environmental factors that influence health and wellness in the workplace (Pope, Snyder, & Mood, 2012).
In order for the APRN to help facilitate change they must possess the skills to positively collaborate with others and set common goals. The APRN must be able to influence others based on his or her competence, credibility, and trustworthiness. When addressing issues and suggesting or implementing solutions it is important that the APRN keep the best interest of those involved at the forefront of the initiative (Tomajan, 2012).
The voice of the nurse at the bedside and the APRN generalist is critical to positive patient outcomes and healthy work environments. Organizations that allow nurses to advocate for other nurses and patients by engaging in organization-wide activities, committees, councils, and quality improvement teams evokes an environment of confident and competent autonomy (Tomajan, 2012).
Over and over the nursing profession is rated as one of the most honest and ethical professions. This fact gives the nurse a great opportunity and responsibility to advocate for the nursing profession by modeling positive professional behaviors and helping those new to the profession to acquire the skills to emulate this type of behavior (Tomajan, 2012).

Liz Roberts
Fagerstrom, L. (2012). The impact of advanced practice nursing in healthcare: recipe for developing countries. Annals of Neuorsciences, 19(1). 1-2. doi: 10.5214/ans.0972.7531.180401.
Pope, A., Snyder, M., & Mood, L. (2012). Nursing Health & Environment: Strengthening the Relationship to Improve the Public\'s Health. Washington, DC: National Academies Press .
Sharma, M. (2017). Theoretical foundations of health education and promotion (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA. : Jones and Bartlett Learning .
Tomajan, K. (2012). Advocating for nurses and nursing. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(1). doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No01Man04.