How to write an essay on Healthcare Systems and Quality Outcomes

How to write an essay on Healthcare Systems and Quality Outcomes

Time management is an essential factor in the health care sector. Production of activities runs smoothly when healthcare workers take time management as a vital component. Most often in healthcare, some providers observe time management while others do not. My project on time management is a topic that has raised the utmost need to venture in and do a study on how healthcare workers do utilize time in their activities. Planning for a personal improvement project requires dedication to provide satisfactory progress. Observing time relieves stress, gives a person extra time to spend or rest, and prevents workload and ability to evaluate and realize goals.

To begin my improvement plan on the time management project, I am convinced to create time to ensure my stated project questions ad objectives are met. I have laid down data that has enabled me to work on the project. I have visited one healthcare sector where I have majored in my project. I have already familiarized myself with all the activities and the personnel working in the facility. Time management projects require input to streamline the processes. I sampled some of the questionnaires that acted as a project pilot study. The questionnaires adopted are well structured to cover all the objectives regarding the time management project. Access to patient medical records provided vital information that made me confident in more data sources. Data collected partially do not satisfy the project objectives. More data is required from the health care workers to fulfill the project sampled data.

Commencing the project has been accompanied by challenges. Fulfilling the sample data has been hectic for the personal improvement of my project. This has encouraged me to schedule to obtain data and hit the sampled-to-sum project process. This factor has strengthened me in analyzing my strengths—weaknesses, and opportunities concerning the research progress. Spending too much effort adding ad searching for previous literature regarding time management in healthcare is tiring and exhaustive (Antonacci et al., 2018). Being stuck in my comfort zone has been a challenge in the progress of my project. Limited support to successfully conduct the project is a significant obstacle to the progress of my project. I have chosen to define and prioritize my goals to get into the process of excelling in my project study.

Successes of my project study on time management in healthcare supersede the obstacles regarding the project. I have found it easier to collect data from most healthcare staff, enabling me to realize the essence of time management in healthcare activities. Despite the limited data collected, we still need more data to meet the sampled data. I have adjusted some study questionnaires to collect enough data to fulfill the project study. The data meet the stipulated study due to shift variations of healthcare workers.

Using questionnaires, surveys, open interviews, and secondary data from medical records are appropriate tools for the time management study. Utilizing such tools has enabled project studies to collect varied data. Identifying a problem regarding the project, listing all the activities involved to complete the project, writing out the sequences of the steps, and drawing a low chart using the process enable us to develop a suitable process map for the research study (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d). A flowchart shows all the activities from the beginning about the progress of the project study. Eisenhower matrix is an essential diagram in my research study. The Eisenhower diagram in my research stipulates vital parameters of the time management project. The parameters in the Eisenhower diagram include: do, decide, delegate and delete. The diagram will act as a control chart throughout the project.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). Process mapping. Retrieved from

Antonacci, G., Reed, J. E., Lennox, L., & Barlow, J. (2018). The use of process mapping in healthcare quality improvement projects. Health Services Management Research, 31(2), 74-84.

Doi: 10.1177/0951484818770411 

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